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It was noon, and Yugo was very focused on a robot he was constructing for a customer. It was originally supposed to be a simple vacuum robot, but the customer kept asking for more and more functions for the robot to be able to do. The robot Yugo was now working on was going to have to be able to vacuum, play music, respond to voice commands, contact emergency services in case of an emergency, connect to the wifi, record grocery lists, and act as an alarm clock.

Yugo was a bit annoyed that the customer kept asking for more, but at least they agreed to pay him more for each new request. And Yugo had more than enough knowledge and experience with building and programming robots to be able to work the requests in. Heck, he could probably even program the robot to be a butler, nanny, and bartender if the customer requested it!

Not that he wanted more requests. He'd already had to push back the finish date numerous times thanks to all the additions, and the longer it took for him to finish this robot, the longer it would be before he could take a new order.

His tummy growled, and he sighed, setting down his screwdriver. He looked at the clock and blinked in surprise. He'd totally lost track of time! It was about time to eat!

Yugo stood up and grabbed his wallet, wanting to go out for lunch. Then he paused. He and the neighbors were getting along quite well, and Yugo wanted to spend some more time getting to know them. Maybe he should invite them to lunch!

The decision was taken from him moments later, when Yuto's voice called out from the ceiling, "Hey, you guys wanna have lunch with me? I found a recipe online I wanted to try, but it serves eight people. So if you guys like, you can come to my apartment for lunch!"

"Oh, that sounds wonderful!" Yuri's voice responded from the other side of the wall. "It's about time for my lunch too!"

"Yeah, I was actually going to invite you all out to lunch too!" Yugo admitted. "I'd love to have lunch with you all!"

"Yeah, and I can smell the food from your apartment!" Yuya said, sounding excited. "It smells so good!"

"Well then, come on over! There's plenty to share!" Yuto said.

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