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The well-known and accomplished lawyer Meerab Wakas Ahmed falls in love with an actor who has no idea that she even exists. She is aware that they will never have a future together because he will never learn of her existence. She fell in love with him after watching his one serial as a young child. As he grew older, his well-known drama captured her interest, and she fell in love. She can miss anything except something about him. His smile makes her heart skip a beat, and she enjoys watching his movies.

She set his picture as both her phone wallpaper and her profile picture. Her heart aches for more of his voice and screen time, even though she is unsure if she will ever get the chance to meet him. One day out of nowhere , while she was working in her office, she received an unexpected call from her father. Fearing that she would receive bad news, she hurried home. When her father asked her to come home immediately without giving any explanation, she became terrified. But as she got closer to her house, she heard a lovely voice.

"It can not be him", she reasoned as she became more afraid and felt her heartbeat quicken. When she got closer, she realized it was him. She was not having hallucinations; he was real. She felt as though she would pass out when she saw him sitting in front of her, and her mouth dropped.

The well-known actor Murtasim Khan gained notoriety for both his attractive appearance and acting prowess. Many people find him more idealistic because of his humility and kindness, and he has gained respect for this. He donates the majority of his salary to the underprivileged.

Raising his hand to shake hands, Murtasim greeted her and Meerab was too stunned to respond. She finds it unbelievable that the man she has been dreaming of meeting is grinning and standing in front of her. She could not quite decide how to respond as her legs began to shake.

Her father interrupted her reverie with, "Meerab, he is asking for a handshake", She responded by shaking hands with him. His touch sent a shiver down her spine and ignited a spark of passion. God, he is so attractive. This is not a dream, please.

"Your father recognized me in a mall and made me come here because you are my biggest fan. Thus thought to meet you", Murtasim replied, enhancing Meerab's happiness. She nodded, tears welling up in her eyes.

"Yes, I am. I am very happy and excited to see you. I adore both you and your work. You are a truly generous person. I can't believe you are here for real . It truly feels like my dream has come true. "May I take a picture with you?", she asked, leaping with excitement, which made him smile. She wanted to compliment him more and tell him how many gifts and messages she had sent him, but she was a little uncomfortable saying it in front of her parents. How could she dare to do that? When Murtasim saw his picture as the background when Meerab pulled out her phone to snap a picture, he smiled. She smiled at Murtasim after taking a picture of him, and he gave her his phone so she could take another. This caused her body to tremble and her hands to shake, but she still took the picture, not knowing if it was a good one or not.

"It was a pleasure to meet you. I have to go because I have work", he said. Meerab nodded and they continued walking until they were close to his car, at which point she waved her hand. She started to jump when Murtasim returned after grinning and acknowledged that this was her best day ever.

How's the plot?

Another book🙈. I know sharam karni chahea but I couldn't stop myself from sharing this plot

Just a random idea pooped in my mind but it will contain 20- 25 chapters so thought to put it as a new story ❤️. Will start it soon but with irregular updates. I guess monthly updates.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24 ⏰

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