Handshake Chapter 1

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??: yawn!!

I looked at the clock to see what time it was.

??: oh freak I'm going to be late

I put on pink shirt with an white skirt. I also put on my peach color flats. I brush my hair down and put an head band on it I looked at the mirror for a sec and ran out the door. I grab my backpack and my lunch, I was headed out the door but someone had stop me .

Sister: wait Kerry!

Kerry: huh?

Sister: here is an apple for you since your skipping breakfast.

Kerry: oh thank you Rachel

Rachel: your welcome Kerry .......have a good day at school

Kerry: k

I ran out the door while eating the apple my sister gave me, I stop by the stop sigh. Waiting for the bus to come, and also waiting for my best friend to come so he won't miss the bus. Then I saw someone running towards me he was wearing an blue T-shirt with an blue jacket and some black shorts.

??:hey Kerry did the bus past by yet

Kerry: no


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