The amusement park

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Me and Jason played some games it was fun I won a big teddy bare while Jason won a small stuff animal dog.... after about an hour or so we agreed to go on the super fast roller coaster! We was the 4 ones in line waiting for everyone to get off.

Jason: so are you sure you want to ride this with me.. I mean its seems scary for you

Kerry: what!! No!! If your tough enough to then I am too!

Jason: OK its your funeral

Me and Jason then went in the ride we both buckle up and was ready to ride! Finally it started to go first it went out slow then it went faster by every sec! Finally we was at the top then went down even faster I was screaming at the top of my lungs with joy or maybe fear...... but then I turn to Jason he was screaming to like a little girl! In 5 more minutes we was off the ride I felted a little dizzy so I sated down. I looked at the screen where they showed the funnest pictures I saw one of the pics about the roller coaster. It was Jason! He was looking so scared I think I seen tears in his eyes I quickly got my phone and took a pick if it. Its better than buying it well cheaper.

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