Perish to bits.

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1. The moon shines beautifully
2. And so did she
3. At first glance she had intensifying greatness
4. It held my breath
5. It held my heart
6. She, held my arm
7. I truly felt like I couldn't speak,
8. I was mute
9. A victim who ameliorated the toxicity,
10. A man or a boy who turned the lights off to all her meretricious qualities
11. With her unorthodox smile,
12. Her petulant tantrums
13. Which all occurred under my nose yet I couldn't see
14. Blinded by love
15. I thought undeniably two pieces of broken hearts easily fit
16. And so it did
17. Yet she let mine slowly parish to bits

18. The moon is not as innocent as we think
19. An epitome of change and uncertainty
20. She nurtured for a while
21. But broken organs cannot be fixed
22. I wish love was everlasting
23. Though even with my blind eyes you changed how I see
24. Denial,
25. I am not hopeless,
26. I am not lovelorn
27. I was never indolent
28. I was never reticent
29. Acceptance,
30. Yet all the love is gone
31. All because your actions were pernicious
32. And what we had
33. Which was truly precious

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11 ⏰

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