Next stop "murder drones"

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After destroying alans computer The dark lord and the chosen one escapes from the computer and lands on a beach side (same place that showdown happened)

TCO: finally We are free ! Thanks for the help ! I really owe you brother we really kicked that humans butt !

TDL: hahahaha we totally did brother but what we gonna do now ? We have OP powers and I dont feel like sitting and relaxing !

TCO: hmmm I am wondering if we travel here from his computer maybe we can travel around internet or even animated shows universes !

TDL: oh We can totally do it if we work hard on it maybe we can find new friends and someone worth to fight !

TCO: we must stay low this place looks empty enough I hope we can do it

After months of working both stick figures finally done with the portal they even builded a little shack for living purposes 

TDL: finally its done ! Which internet universe shall we travel to ?

TCO: ohh how about murder drones I watched it some weeks ago I really liked it we can totally crash them down

TDL: if you say so brother I will take my virus wrist band and we can go !

after final preperations they both activated the portal gate as they jump on it

Meanwhile in copper 9

(It's now 3 in the morning. Uzi smacks her face to turn the alarm clock off and prepares to sneak out of the house. She grabs her railgun, straightens her hat, and quietly steals her father's door key to swipe As she opens the one of big door hşs dad standing on other side looking to uzi)

Uzi: oh robo-jesus !

Khan: and where might you be off to ?

Uzi: Umm... Sneaking out to make out with my boyfriend that I definitely have?

Khan: (laughs) seriously thought ?

Uzi: Okay, okay, you caught me! I need to measure... the exterior hydraulic mechanisms of Door One. Because that's... the project I'm working on for school? A big old door! Just like what my old man build! I want to join the WDF and hide behind the doors like cowards while playing cards and stuff...

Khan: well we just dont play cards...

The door opens and shows other W.D.F members playing cards

A worker drone: khan can you get a fresh pack we only play cards for so long writings literally started to fade away

Khan: okay okay you got me there uzi just be careful okay ? Dont take your time that much

Uzi nods to her dad and exits from colony heading to nurder drones hideout to find the final piece

Scene changes to Stick figures as portal opens to copper 9 and they walk out of it

TCO: it sure is cold as antartica

TDL: eh its fine by me so are we in pilot episode ?

TCO: yes we are but since we are in this show too we might change things a lot and pretend to not know them we dont wanna make them sentient about this show

TDL: you are right brother we are close to disassemblry drones hideout I could use a warm up especially with the Hot one~

TCO: ugh you sometimes so gross brother but dont worry they already come to our foots

As two feminine drones lands on ground shaking a little bit they look at the stick figures with confusion

???: J when we did have stick figure worker drones ? Maybe they teste sweeter hehehehe !

J: what the ? Who are you two wait thats not right what are you two !

Both stickfigures look at each other even they head is hallow you can sense they are smiling

TCO: As you can see we are stick figures not drones you tin cans

V: what did you say to us you stupid stick ass !

J: oh yeah we can see that Hole face how are you both even alive ? What your names anyway ?

TCO: my names is The chosen one and this red one my brother is the dark lord

V: hahahaha ! Thats the stupidiest names chosen one ? Dark lord ? What are you 10 ? I dont know what you two but I dont care we gonna just kill you~!

J: why did I even try ? Ugh

Both drones take a fighting stance as they visor turn X but both stick figure looks really calm even bored

TDL: it will be easy to clap your cheeks especially that V named one~

TCO slaps his head Focus you stupid !

TDL: ahaha I am very focused this will be easy~!
Both stick figures take a fighting stance too ready to clap both drones

Authors note : since my english not my main language it can be bad pronounced and this my first time ever writing something I will try to improve with story telling ! Uhhh thanks for reading this I try to continue ! And make it longer

TCO , TDL x murder drones Where stories live. Discover now