At the prom, everyone is either having the time of their lives or are bored out of their metaphoric skulls. Eventually, Lizzy walks on stage.
Lizzy: Okay, listen up, nerds. We're doing this a little early, but since the entire prom court "mysteriously" disappeared, your queen by forfeit is uh, this.
V drops in terrifying everyone
Random worker: we are gonna die !
Lizzy: Lizzy: Easy, Nerds, V is my friend. She's done with the murder or whatever. We've been hanging.
V: Yes, best friends. So easily manipulated...She begins cackling, then stops. Prom queen? She looks at a nervous Lizzy, then over to the crown that's supposed to be given to her. Ugh...
Lizzy: So, forgive and forget, or I'll get my dad to dock your freakin' grades! And you can't sit with us, Rebecca.
Rebecca: ...Fine, I forgive her, settle...!
Eveeyone applauds
Random worker: She's quite cute, though
Lizzy: clap harder losers !
Penny: to V Your dress is really cute! She crowns V.
V: I...uhh...
Khan tries to leave, but the doors are sealed shut by Doll's Solver.
Khan: not...the doors...!
V: I'll kill everyone after? It's not vain, it's extra sinister...
V goes up to the mic to make her speech as Doll begins to unleahs her AbsoluteSolver and kill her. Before she could, Uzi , N , And two stick bros blast down behind her
TDL: I knew it that ruskie was up to something !
Uzi: wait arent we go for V-
Everyone looks at them awkwardly
Uzi: I am confused...
Lizzy: On second thought, you're way hotter than Doll! Run, idiot!
Before doll Use her solver to V TDL dashes towards V and shove her away İnstead TDL stuck under debris
Doll: Slowly advancing towards her Привет, Ви. (Hello, V.)
She makes V flashback to when V killed her mother
Doll: Ладно, тебе всё понятно. (Anyway, you get it.)
Before can doll do anything TDL blast down the debris on him
TDL: heh it tickled~
TCO: Uzi and N take V and others and help them escape first we got doll
N: we will come back after it we promise !
Uzi: Shut up !
Uzi smacks N head and help remaining workers to get out while TDL takes V and throws her with quite bit force
TDL: Protect the queen !
Doll: Я убью вас двоих, а затем Ви(I will kill you two then V) she smirks and spawn kitchen knifes on her behind
TDL: nice butter knifes !
TDL spawns sharp virus stingers (just like he did in King orange vs the dark lord actual short)
TCO , TDL x murder drones
Actionİn this timeline instead of causing destruction across internet instead they travel around internet or even animated shows to make new friends and find someone worth to fight (TDL will have his virus powers and his spiders but not be evil) this OP...