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"C'mon Satoshi! Don't be a slow poke!" Said a young boy known as Akira Kamaki, or at least this is what Satoshi Shisaki remembers. Satoshi has been trapped in an infinite, dream-like void filled with strange hallways and open courtyards for what feels like 5 years. All he has been able to do is try to hold onto the memories he still has from before he found himself here. He slowly drifts back into his memories. "Hurry up Satoshi!! We don't have all day! I wanna go to the park before we head home." Exclaims the young girl known as Chloe Kanamura. "Fine, fine. I'm coming." Satoshi responds in an obviously faked annoyance. The memory skips forwards a bit, now Satoshi and Chloe are alone in a dark alleyway. "Where could Akira have gone..." Satoshi grumbles. "I-I'm scared..." replys Chloe. Suddenly, Satoshi's memory seems to change abruptly, showing him falling through the ground and into an open door. Everything becomes surrounded by an extremely thick green fog as he watches Chloe slowly disappear from view. He tries to scream for help but nothing comes out. Now he finds himself in the same strange dream world that he has been in for the last 5 years.

Persona 6: Dreamscape SagaWhere stories live. Discover now