44. Notebook

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And you never see the lesson when it's right in front of your eyes

Are you writing this shit down?

'Cause baby boy I think it's time.

How did Vox and Val get contact with here?

What do I tell them?

Why did they have someone from Heaven?

What do I tell Grim and the others?

What do I tell Crowley?

Should I even explain further?

Are they coming back??

You brought the paper cup to your lips and then you swallowed your pill with the cold water, and after a moment, the whirling thoughts in your head came to a halt, it was silent and only one main voice was echoing through the walls. You.

You blinked, your eyes instantly focusing on the cup in your hand, you took a deep breath of relief, feeling better instantly, you walked out of the small hole in the wall girl's bathroom, dumping the paper cup in the garbage can in the hallway, you discreetly put your tablets into your skirt pocket, fitting snugly.

Walking through the halls, you spotted Deuce and Yuu talking to one another, Deuce held an apologetic expression as Yuu was ranting about something, smiling, you caught up to him, creeping behind Deuce, you smirked a bit as you patted your hands down on the blue haired boy's shoulders, making him jolt in surprise.

"Boo!" You laughed. (This is how my friends greet each other please don't bully me)

"Very funny! You scared me!"

"that's the point, now, what is Yuu complaining about?" You asked, making Yuu's early rage and frustration circle back to him fully again, something that Deuce was forced to tolerate and just smile and nod at.

"When you were in bathroom, some guy dumped his murky ass plants on me! I couldn't even classify them! They were that bad and THAT ugly! No wonder that guy is getting Ds! Probably not just in school either but in his dumbass furry dorm!" Yuu spoke with intense distaste for the situation he was just put through, his arms swinging about, probably envisioning the student's face being beaten up.

"Do you know his name?" You asked,

"I would if he was relevant," Yuu crossed his arms and rolled his eyes.

"Fair enough," you huffed lightly.

"Not only that, he had his hair slicked back!" Yuu made a dumb action with his hand where he pushed all his bangs back to expose his full forehead.

"That's the only thing that's gonna be slicked for him ever I bet," you remarked with a mean tone, shifting your weight onto one foot as you rolled your eyes.

"Or at least without lube," Yuu chortled at your remark.

"GRIM, GET YOUR ASS BACK HERE!" A certain ginger yelled, a frustrated expression on Ace's face as he was nearing you and the two other boys, you then looked around to see the tiny cat running about with a packaged pastry in between their jaws, sprinting at you, making you deadpan.

"These guys have too much energy," Deuce sighed, Ace's and Grim's beef would be never ending, not even Grim would be able to eat it all at this point.

"Nyaha! Finder's keepers loser!" Grim taunted as the little creature skillfully hopped onto your shoulder, or as he calls it, the 'safe zone', it's a position where they can never get hurt, and if they do, you were also going to get hurt, and that wouldn't end pretty for anyone.

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