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(Mason Room)

Once upon a time, long, long ago...well...more like twenty years ago
Belle married her Beast in front of 6000 of their closest personal friends...good tasting cake I've been told.

Now you might know how Beast was crowned king of Auradon but there was a second option. Mickey Mouse (my dad) was offered to rule Auradon but he declined the offer. Even though dad didn't end up ruling Auradon, the Mouse family is treated like royalty along with dad's friends and their kids. But we are beginning somewhere different instead of Mal and her friends. The story begins with me while I was sleeping...

Mason was in his room fast asleep when his phone started to ring, he groaned while trying to find his phone to turn it off thinking it was his alarm. Once he found his phone he looked and saw that it was Ben who was calling him

"You better have a good reason for waking me up on a weekend Beast" Mason said his voice rough from sleep

"Hello to you too. Can I come over? I need to talk to you about something?" Ben asked Mason

"About what?" Mason asked

"It's...I'll tell you when I get there" Ben told Mason

"Fine, start making your way over here" Mason told Ben. He soon hung up and made his way to his family kitchen. Mason just put some toast in the toaster when the doorbell rang, he went to answer it and when he opened the door it revealed Ben Beast, the son of Adam and Belle Beast, the prince and soon to be king of Auradon

"Hey Ben" Mason greeted his close friend "come on in" Ben followed Mason to the kitchen. Mason grabbed the toast that popped out of the toaster

"So what did you want to talk to me about?" Mason asked while putting jam on his toast

"It's about my proclamation" Ben told Mason

"Did your dad freak out?" Mason asked while grabbing juice from the fridge

"I haven't told my parents yet. I told Shaun since he's my royal advisor but I wanted your opinion on it" Ben explained

"So, what is it?" Mason asked while drinking his juice

"I want to bring over the kids from the Isle of the Lost to Auradon" Ben told Mason. Mason's eyes widened which made him spit his juice. After Mason calmed down he looked at Ben shocked

"Are you being serious?" Mason asked unsure

"Yeah, do you think it's a bad idea?" Ben asked nervously

"I don't think it's a bad idea Ben, I just want you to be cautious that's all" Mason told Ben while wiping up the juice he spit

"I understand. But every time I look at the Isle I feel like those kids are abandoned" Ben told Mason who sighed. Mason felt the same about the kids on the Isle but he believed that Ben wasn't thinking this through clearly. But he was going to believe in Ben and his dream

"I trust you Ben" Mason told Ben "if you believe this is a good idea I'll be behind you all the way" Ben smiled and got up and hugged Mason who hugged Ben back

"Thank you for being there for me Mason. Your a true friend" Ben soon left which made Mason call Shaun

"Hey babe"

"Why didn't you tell me about Ben proclamation!?" Mason yelled in the phone

"Ben told you huh?" Shaun replied after a few seconds of silence "look, I didn't say anything to you because I thought you would freak out"

"I'm not freaking out. I'm just worried that Ben isn't thinking all of this through that's all. Does he honestly think that the kids on the Isle grew up in good homes? That there parents aren't going to make them do some plan to get them off?" Mason asked Shaun

"I see your point, I also think Adam and Belle never actually bothered to check on the Isle. But I'm going to support Ben because I'm his friend and his royal advisor" Shaun told Mason

"I'm supporting him as well" Mason told Shaun

"We'll figure this out babe" Shaun told Mason who replied with a yeah. Mason soon hung up and sighed. He really should have just stayed in bed

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13 ⏰

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