Part 1

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third person pov
"MYLENE MALAYA!" A loud voice coming from the kitchen called which immediately woke up the girl Mylene Malaya. She woke up slowly, like she hasn't slept in days. The loud voice spoke again, "MALALATE KA SA FIRST DAY MO!" Mylene immediately woke up. And thought she would be fucked because its her first day. Mylene quickly got her things and took a bath as fast as she can. When she got into the kitchen she said, "Ate! Malalate na nga ako! Di na ako magkakain" Mylene said while trying to put her shoes on. Her older sister Ysabell gets their lunchbags and starts running with Mylene. Ysabell spoke, "Ayun yung service natin!" They both quickly got on. And got to school at 7:30 though it starts at 7:35.

They both went different directions to their classroom. But there was no one in Mylene's room. She forgot there was a morning assembly. Luckily Ysabell's class haven't left yet. Mylene quickly put her bags on a empty seat without any bags and started running to where the morning assembly was. Fortunately there were still some seats. But unfortunately their teacher did a headcheck before they left snd counted Mylene late. Again fate was not nice to Mylene. They made all late students go to the stage in the hot sun.

Bea Garcia another late student whined, "But teacherr. Cant you let us off the hook just this once? Pleasee??" Bea pleaded but got no response. All the students lined up on the stage and they just standed there awkwardly. But Mylene was waving and doing finger guns to her friends Hannah Mirasol and Mina Santos. Alot of the other students on the stage were shocked and some were admiring her beauty/cuteness. A student named Sonia looked at Mylene and gasped, "Wow. Ang ganda niya.." Mylene noticed and tried looking at the person but couldn't find her. The only thing she noticed was she had blond hair. After a few minutes they all went down the stage. And got scolded by their teachers. "Since you guys are late today you can never be late again." A teacher said to the students.

A few days later they had to choose a club to join, the choices were. Badminton club, Basketball club (boys), basketball club (girls), volleyball club, girl scouts, boy scouts, indoor games club, and more. Mylene didn't know what to choose so she just got put in a club which isn't full yet. Basketball club girls. Fortunately, Mylene knew how to play basketball as she plays alot of sports. Only 5 people including her joined the club, Cherry Terresa, her sister Ysabell, and Imelda Naiara.

Sonia's pov
Sonia chose the indoor games club. She is a old student who has been in the school since kindergarten. Sonia was known as a poganda student. Her best friends are Kimberly Bonifacio and Cherry Terresa. She is the shortest of them all. Along with Sonia Hannah Mirasol, Mina Santos and Paulene Janelle joined the indoor games club. She didn't know any of them so she was quiet the first few days of the club meetings.

Mylene pov
"Ang gutom ko." Mylene mumbled under her breath. Somehow her sister Ysabell heard it and gave her some oreos. Ysabell whispered into Mylene's ear, "Nagskip ka kasi nang breakfast yung amputek ka eh." Ysabell then slaps Mylene's butt. Ysabell then smiled then left. Mylene glared at Ysabell's back and thought "edi ikaw na" Mylene rolled her eyes. Mylene started practicing shooting the ball.

to be continued

author : im sorry if i give slow updates or short pages sometimes busy ako eh

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