Chapter 4:

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Straubs POV
I hope no one noticed how Bee was using her sarcastic voice with Brittney, but i think she noticed. "Bee! Can i see u for a minute?" "Yeah sure what do u want to see me about?" "You have to be nice to her or u can't be in our group any more." "Wait u can't do that can u?" "Yes I can because I made this group up." "Ugh you make my life so hard cause I really like u so much!" "Well i dont so im sorry i just i really like her Bianca." "Do not call me that dont call me Bianca! Call me Bee." "Whatever." I walked away not knowing what else to say. Bee follows right behind me. "Hey guys sorry about that so are we ready to get started?" We start by doing some ollies, grinding, and a backcurve. Sorry this is short but uggah its so hard to white this! I am writing a really long one shot and its gonna be a Kiani one but there vampires so yeah Love Yah Lots ~Keykat123

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