Chapter 6

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A/N I made a mistake in the last one i'm sorry. I said Bianca when I ment brittney lol super sorry guys!

Brittney's POV

I woke up with the birds chirping in my ear and the sun shining in my bedroom. 

"Brittney get up it's time for breakfast!" My mom yelled up the stairs.

I looked at the time and groaned. "Ugh it's freaking 7:00! To early!!" I yelled into my pillow.

"Don't make me come up there with a bucket of water!" Mom mom chuckled lightly. "Don't you wanna see your boyfriend?" I could feel her smirk. I jumped right up and slammed the door. 'Gosh he's not my boyfriend'. I thought to myself. A little smile crept up on my cheecks and i felt blood rush to my cheeks making me light up like a christmas tree. 

I pulled on some cloths and looked in the mirror. 'not bad britt' I thought to myself. I put on my Adidas skinny sweatpants, a Mod Sun hoodie, with lowcut Adidas black and white shoes. I put my hair up in a half up half down bun. I also curled the ends.

"BRITTNEY! You ready?" 

"Yeah mom! Be down in a sec." I grabbed my Vans bookbag and headed out the door. 'OH almost forgot my skateboard!' I grabbed my penny board and headed to school. On the way I ran into Straub. He was dressed up in black joggers with an Adidas shirt and some Jordans. He also had on a beanie. 

"Hey Straub!" I gave him a hug for a second and then let him go. I stepped back and gave us some distance. 

"Hey Britt! Cool hoodie by the way." He looked at me and smiled.

"Thank you Straub." I looked at him and smiled back.

We started riding to school and finally made it. I pulled out my phone and checked the time. 

"It's only 7:45! Maybe you can show me around?" I asked.

"Sure lets go!" He said while pulling my arm.

"Straub! Hold up i'm not fast." I said laughing. I got a couple of stares along the way. We walked into the main office and got my schedule. Straub grabbed it and read it. 

"Just letting you know you came at a bad time. They completely changed 6th and 5th. So on here, when you go to 5th you actually go to 6th. I know it's very confusing. So come on." Straub said walking down the hallway.

"Can I see it tho?" I laughed. He handed it back to me and kept walking.

2nd- Science

3rd- Social Studies


6th- Language Arts


5th-Homeroom & Math

7th- Chorus

Wow this is very confusing. 

"We have Science,Gym,Language Arts, and Math together. Which is pretty good! You will have Social Studies with Bee and Jeremy. And I think Bee has Chorus but i'm not sure." He gave me a warm smile. 

I heard the bell ring and we headed to 1st or should I say 2nd period. When I walked in Everyone was already in their seats talking. The teacher made me stay with her while everyone settled down. She clapped her hands and everyone stayed quiet. 'wow they really respect their teacher here' I thought.

"Everybody we have a new student with us today. Her name is Brittney and I hope all of you guys treat with her respect. Now Brittney why don't you tell us about yourself dear." She pushed me to the front of the classroom. 

"Well as you know I'm Brittney but you guys can call me Britt! I like to skateboard and listen to a lot of music. Any genre fits me. But I especially like Adidas. Anything Adidas I will love." I smiled and saw a couple of guys in the back that were pretty cute. They kept looking at me. Especially one in particular. He had these beautiful eyes that would make you fall for him in a second.

"Well pick a spot you want to sit and sit there. Only if you want to." The teacher said looking at her paper work. I looked around the room and found Straub, Bee, and Jeremy. I decided to sit there. I also notice that the cute boy sits right behind them. I go and sit down beside Bee and ask her...

"Um Bee?" I asked nervously.

"Yeah what's up?" She looked at me and smiled.

"Who's that dude sitting behind us?" I asked sneaking a glance to my back. I look and see he is staring at me.

"Oh ok i forgot that you don't know anybody here. Ok so the buff one with brown hair and sounds Canadian is Rusher. But we call him Brayden. The one with longish brown hair and that's flippy is Mitch. The one with a sleve and curly hair is Ryan. The one with short brown hair with a forest tattoo is Jordan." 

"Ok but who is that one?" I pointed lightly behind me.

"Ohhhhhhhhhh that one well his name is Hunter." She smiled and looked at the board. (Ok guys don't kill me but Hunter is my bf in real life sooo back to the book.) 

"He's kinda cute to be honest." I looked at him and he looked at me. We stared at each other for awhile until the bell rung. I grabbed my bookbag and walked with Bee. I had to go to Social Studies and almost got lost but Bee helped me out. I walked in and did the same thing over and over again. I had Hunter in almost every one of my classes. 

When school was over I took my phone out and texted Straub.

B: Hey where you at?

S: I'm at my locker where you at?

B: Near the swing sets do you want me to come over to where you are or stay here?

S: You can stay there i'll tell Bee to meet you there K?


I exited off of messages and got on Snapchat. I took a pic of myself and it looked really good. I didn't even have to put a filter on it. I put #NoFilter and posted it to my story. I heard footsteos behind me and thought it was Bee. 

"Bee you ready to walk home?" I asked and turned around to see Hunter there. 

"I don't think I'm Bee." He laughed at my expression.

"I um I'm sorry." I stuttered. I mentally face palmed.

"It's OK don't worry." He took my phone and typed something in. He gave it back to me and smiled.

"I put my Snapchat and phone number in there k?" He hugged me and started walking off.

"Wait! What's your name?" I asked.

"It's Hunter." He turned around and walked away. I felt a buzz go off on my phone and picked it up thinking it was Straub but it was unknown.

Unknown: Hey you looked pretty today just fyi.

I knew who it was and put it in my phone. 

B: Thx :)

I saw Straub walking my way and instead off skateboarding we waked home. I was happy 

A/N HEY GUYS!!! You like the chapter? Good anyway

Love yah lots


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2016 ⏰

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