Ruined Wedding and Family Reunion

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At the moment Hope, Chuck, their family and friends were all running from the cops so they could get married so Hope wouldn't have to say anything against Chuck in court about what happened the night his father died. 

As they were running a white light came and took them all away

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As they were running a white light came and took them all away. 

When they looked around they saw Hayley, and the other Mikaelson's. 

"Awe, shit." Hope grumbled in annoyance. 

And of course the next hour was full of yelling and fighting. Hayley blaming Klaus. Klaus yelling at Hayley. Hope telling them all to shut the hell up. 

"Okay, will you stop fighting? I'm trying to have a wedding here." Hope snapped at them. 

"Of course-" Klaus tried to speak. 

"You're getting married?" Hayley asked, frowning. "Why didn't you invite me?" 

"It's small, family and friends only. Besides we're running from the cops as we do it so..." Hope shrugged. 

"But I am family." Hayley said, frowning. 

"You're DNA. Blair's my family. Serena is my family. Dad, Marcel, Davina, Kol, Nate, Chuck, Lily, Rufus, Dan, Eleanor, Cirus, they're my family. You're biology. Nothing else." Hope told the woman who continued to frown sadly. 

"Are we going to ignore the fact she's running from the police?" Rebekah asked them. 

"Niklaus, what did you do?" Elijah asked him, frowning. 

"He didn't do anything. Chuck's dad died, they think he did something, but they have no proof, except for me. If we get married they have nothing." Hope explained shortly. 

"Is that the only reason you're marrying me?" Chuck asked her teasingly. 

"Yeah, and I guess love and stuff." She teased back with a smile. 

"Hello everyone, I've brought you all to watch your past few years before you find out once and for all who Gossip Girl is, and then to watch the next generation of Gossipers. I was originally going to do just the New Yorkers, but then I thought what better way to show the Mikaelson's they were wrong about Klaus and Hope than to show them they were wrong. So sit back and enjoy, you'll be here for a while." 

"You know, what if when it shows the wedding on the screen thing we get married a long side our TV selves?" Hope asked Chuck. "Be unique. No way anyone could top it or forget it." 

"If you're happy, I'm happy." Chuck told her and she smiled. 

"Perfect. Before we start watching we should all go get changed." Hope told them and they nodded in agreement. So they all went into their designated bedrooms and got changed. 

When Hope was changed she went to get her and Chuck's few months old daughter changed too

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When Hope was changed she went to get her and Chuck's few months old daughter changed too. 

(Blair is with Klaus and Serena is with Marcel in the end, so Hope Married the Prince not Blair, and because of her vampire blood the baby was fine after the car crash, but she made sure to make sure no knew knew she was pregnant till after the divorce was final, and even then she waited a few weeks and got a DNA test to be sure.) 

After they were both changed and ready the two of them, plus Chuck, made their way back out into the crowd of fun. 

"Cute baby. Who's is she?" Rebekah asked Hope who stepped back a bit. 

"Mine and Chucks." Hope said, eyeing the woman. "Her name is Poppy Blair Serena Mikaelson-Bass." She said, holding the baby who looked at Rebekah with wide eyes. 

"Excuse us." Chuck told the woman before the three of them moved past Rebekah awkwardly, after seeing the way Rebekah's face fell the more Hope talked. 

"This is just weird." Hope muttered to him. 

"No kidding." Blair said, walking over and handing her a tequila shot, which Hope took and downed before handing it back. 

"Thanks, I needed that." 

It wasn't much longer when they all sat down to start watching. 

Hope put Poppy in her play pin and threw in a few toys and a blanket and a pacifier and a bottle. Knowing that'll last her for a while, Hope took her spot next to Chuck and got ready for the watching. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12 ⏰

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