Silent Truth

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I worked so long on this but eh it wasn't working ig. Basically a world where gods and city patron gods exist and the gods go through some war while peeps get affected but they don't know why cos they thought those were all myths and even if gods exist they would be nice and not get into a war. How wrong they were. Also animal hybrids exist, merlings exist (more on that later), experimentation which is basically torturing random peeps exist. There was a whole thing with the bird hybrids and yea more on that later. Main character is a doggy hybrid detective that finds out people are dying for no apparent reason and digs into it. Then he pauses for a second to be gay cos he got an assistant who came out of nowhere and turns out to be a god and dies.

P.s. I rewrote this whole chapter cos the 1st version was all over the place. That one was 800+ words aaaaaaaa-

Let's see: basic backstory, Allerent Town was found by the goddess of life, Chlorenthia. Just call her Chlorent. She was born from a magical flower that nourishes the soil around it. Her strength comes from the belief and worship of her followers. The same goes for all gods, and yes there are a lot of them.

When her followers prayed to Chlorenthia to calm the ocean, the kind goddess created a core and yeeted it into the storms, ending all disasters from the seas. This core is now known as Chlorenthia's Prayer to the people of Allerent Town and the Core of Beginning to the merlings that protect it. Merlings are kinda like endangered fish monsters and look nothing like humans. They're as intelligent as humans and they have night vision. The merling revival mechanism allows them to enter the Core when fatally injured or too old and come back out as a young and healthy merling. They can only do it two though, so three lives in total. But most people don't know that and assume they're all immortal. Merlings can turn into humans when they step foot on land and since merlings are nonbinary by default, they get to decide their gender and appearance. It gets locked in and they can't change it afterwards, but if they redeem a life at the Core, it gets reset so they can gender swap if they want. (Based on Who's the murderer 8 stuff lol)

After gaining power and reputation among the deities, Chlorenthia went corrupt. She punished other deities for fun and exiled the ones that dared oppose her, one of which was Whisper, the deity of rumor and lies. It was the only deity that ever dared to do so after Chlorenthia took away all nourishment from Tyasha, the land of ambition, success and courage, because their goddess Errata stood up to her. So now Tyasha is a desert. After getting yeeted, Whisper went to Allerent to spread rumors about Chlorent, but it's scared of the goddess so it's super cautious and only allows its followers to know of its existence. Anyone else dies.

Let's check out the characters oh god why are there so many (maybe I shouldn't have stuffed whatever ideas that pop into my head into this one story...)

Chlorenthia (Chlorent) - Goddess of life, queen among all gods, kinda corrupt. Patron god of Allerent Town.
Errata - Goddess of courage, hates Chlorent. Patron god of Tyasha.
Whisper - Deity of rumor and lies, also hates Chlorent. A minor lil shadow guy that totally won't become the patron god afterwards.

Oakspring Detective Agency
Chlora - Chlorenthia's human form. The boss.
Starry J (Star) - Doggy hybrid, best detective. Just super oblivious to the fact that his bestie is suffering from trauma and jealousy. And also I swear he is the most unlikeable main character ever. Also later on his boyfriend gifts him a magical eye so he's a UV lamp now. And he gets to see stuff in the void (god dimensions) if he wants to.
Sleet - Detective assistant, has a crush on Star. And is also a citybird (has tiny wings that can't fly). He's a lil green bird you can actually find in cities but I forgot the name- Also he has a long ponytail and a red-and-white sweater and I love drawing him for that.
Melt - The.. uh, what do you call the person that deals with the dead bodies and determines the cause of death... anyways a black cat girl, hates people except for Dawn.
Dawn - Blind fox, half Tyashan, her mother yeeted her at birth and she was adopted by an old artist that is kinda mentally unstable because of loneliness. Said artist proceeds to die and Dawn is the only witness- actually, she couldn't really see, but uh, you get it. The Oaks take her in to get clues and give her therapy. Bonus that she also gives Melt therapy while she's there. (Ship Melt x Dawn, it's official)

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