Chapter 3

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Isa blinked, her vision slightly blurred from the drinks she had shared with the stranger at the bar. The night had been a whirlwind of laughter, conversation, and a magnetic pull that she hadn't felt in a long time. Now, she found herself standing in the hallway of an unfamiliar apartment building, the soft hum of city life outside a distant backdrop to the pounding of her heart.

As the night deepened, the frenzy of their passion gave way to a quieter, more intimate connection. They lay intertwined, the warmth of their bodies a comforting contrast to the cool night air. Isabella traced lazy patterns on his chest, her touch light and lingering, while he held her close, his fingers gently running through her hair.

“Shit, deeper.” she whispered in an enchanting voice. Her feelings are no longer discernible.

The moonlight casts a silver glow over them, highlighting the tenderness in their shared glances and the soft smiles that played on their lips. They spoke in hushed tones, sharing secrets and dreams that felt safe in the sanctuary of the night.

As the first light of dawn filtered through the curtains, Isa slowly awoke, the events of the night before drifting back into her consciousness. She blinked, momentarily disoriented, before the memories crystallized—meeting him at the bar, the intense connection, and the passionate night they had shared.

She turned her head to see the stranger lying beside her, his features softened in sleep. The reality of the situation began to settle in, a mix of emotions swirling within her. There was a sense of satisfaction, of having experienced something extraordinary, but also a creeping uncertainty about what came next.

Quietly, Isa slipped out of bed, careful not to disturb him. She gathered her clothes, her movements deliberate and quiet. As she dressed, she caught glimpses of their discarded clothing, reminders of the fervor they had shared. She paused for a moment, her fingers brushing over the fabric, a small smile tugging at her lips.

She glanced back at the bed, at the stranger who had been part of this unexpected, intense encounter. There was a part of her that wanted to stay, to see where this connection might lead, but another part knew that some moments are meant to be brief, their beauty lying in their impermanence.

Leaving a note on the bedside table—a simple "Thank you for last night"—Isa quietly slipped out of the apartment. As she walked down the quiet streets, the sun rising higher in the sky, she reflected on the night. It was a memory she would carry with her, a reminder of a night when she had stepped outside of her comfort zone and embraced the unknown.

There was a sense of closure as she continued her journey, the city around her coming to life. Isa smiled to herself, knowing that while the night had ended, its impact would linger, a testament to the unexpected connections life sometimes offers.

“Isabella, I guess you had a really wonderful time last night. How was it? Ikaw ha!” salubong sa kanya ng mga kaibigan pagpasok niya ng room nila.

“So, how was last night?” ngiti at mapang-asar naman na sabi ni Angela.

“It was great!” maikli at may kahulugang tugon naman nito.

Sabay na nagtilian ang mga kaibigan.

“Kagabi ka pa hinahanap ni Jude, ayaw umuwi ng wala ka, kaya sabi nalang namin na sinundo ka ng Daddy mo.” bulong ni Angela.

Nagkibit-balikat na lamang ang dalaga. Buti nalang ay walang hangover sa alak na ininom nila kundi ay mabubungangaan nanaman siya sa kanila lalo pa't andon ang kanyang ina.

Natapos nanaman ang araw na tila ba wala siyang naintindihan, inaantok at nagugutom lamang ito. Naghihintay na lumabas na ng room ang kanila professor.

Pagkalabas ng matanda ay agad silang nagsitayuan at nagkaayaan magpunta ng cafeteria.

“May gaganapin daw na basketball sa gymnasium sa susunod na linggo.” sabi ng kaibigan nila habang kumakain.

“Kung ano nalang maisipan gawin ng mga 'yan, malapit na rin kasi bakasyon, sila sila lang din naman naglalaban. Kaumay!” sabi naman ni Lyca na nagpatawa sa kanila.

“Nope, ibang University daw ang kalaban. Hindi naman palagi yan here so maybe marami talagang magpupunta. Gusto niyo ba manuod?” alok ni Angela.

Tahimik lamang siya na kumakain. Kung ano ang mapagpasiyahan ng mga kaibigan ay sasama na lamang siya, total ay wala naman siyang gagawin sa kanila.

“Daming poging freshmen.” bulong ng kaibigan nilang bakla.

“Kaya nga e, sayang ang babata. Hahaha!” pagbibiro naman na sagot ng isa.

Nagtawanan na lamang sila dahil dito.

“Pahinga na muna tayo, andami kong hahabulin na activities. Ayoko na muna gumala mamaya. Kapag bumagsak ako baka mapatay ako ng Nanay ko.” sabi ni Lyca.

Nagsipag-agree naman silang lahat since parehong mga busy at may mga pending activities sa school.

“Lugi kay Isa, kahit nasa bar nagpapasa e.” pang-aasar ng kaibigan na ikinatawa nila.

Paano ay totoo naman talaga, kahit nasa gitna siya ng dance floor o di kaya ay shuma-shot ay gumagawa ng activities. Minsan pa nga ay nagdadala ito ng reviewer.

Competitive talaga ito at lalong ayaw niya na may masabi nanamang hindi maganda ang nanay n'ya na animo'y naghihintay lang ng pagkakamali para mabungangaan siya or worse is maitakwil.

Hindi rin niya mawari kung bakit ganoon na lamang kagalit ang kanyang ina gayong hindi naman ito ganito dati sa kanya, sa katunayan pa nga ay mahal na mahal siya nito lalo pa't nag-iisang anak.

Isang araw, bigla nalang nagbago ang lahat.

Hindi na siya nito kinikibo tuwing umuuwi galing sa business trips, lagi na lamang ang kanyang ama ang nagdadala ng pasalubong sa kanya.

Natapos na silang kumain kaya ay nagpasya na ang lahat na umuwi.

Shattered Souls, Mended Hearts: A Tale of Redemption in LoveWhere stories live. Discover now