Part 3

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The pulsating substance covering the walls felt alive, almost sentient, as if it was aware of their presence. Dr. Sandra Daniels carefully extracted a sample, the luminous goo sliding into the vial. Her gloved hands trembled slightly, the eerie glow reflecting in her eyes.

"We need to get this back to the lab," she whispered, sealing the vial.

Hades nodded, his masked visage unreadable. "Let's move out. We have what we need here."

As they made their way back through the subway tunnel, the oppressive silence was shattered by the distant sound of screams. Hades signaled for the group to halt, his hand raised in a fist.

"Sounds like survivors," Loki murmured, his voice distorted through his mask.

Anubis, silent as ever, nodded in agreement. His keen eyes scanned the darkness, pinpointing the direction of the cries.

Hades turned to Sandra. "Stay close and keep your head down. We're going to check it out."

They moved swiftly, their footsteps nearly silent against the concrete floor. The screams grew louder, more desperate. They emerged from the tunnel into a dilapidated station, the source of the noise coming from a nearby maintenance room. The door was partially ajar, light flickering from within.

Hades motioned for Loki and Anubis to flank the entrance. With a swift, coordinated motion, they breached the room, weapons raised. Inside, a group of people—two adults and a child—huddled together, their faces etched with terror. A creature, its flesh rotting and eyes glowing with malevolent light, lunged at them, but Anubis's swift blade dispatched it before it could cause harm.

"It's okay. You're safe now," Hades reassured the survivors, his voice firm but calm. "We're getting you out of here."

The man, bleeding from a gash on his arm, nodded gratefully. "Thank you. We thought we were done for."

Sandra quickly moved to check their wounds, her medical training taking over. "We need to get them to the surface," she said, her tone urgent. "They need medical attention."

Loki and Anubis secured the area, ensuring no other threats were lurking nearby. Hades helped the man to his feet, supporting his weight as they moved. The woman carried the child, her eyes wide with fear but filled with hope at their rescue.

The journey back to the surface was tense, the constant threat of attack weighing heavily on them. Hades, Loki, and Anubis remained vigilant, their masks hiding any signs of fatigue or fear. They reached the street level, the fresh air a stark contrast to the stale, decaying scent of the tunnels.

"Central Park is our best bet," Hades said. "We'll get them to the base for medical care."

As they navigated the ruined streets, they encountered more survivors, drawn by the sounds of the rescue. Each time, the mercenaries moved with precision and efficiency, dispatching any undead that threatened their path. Sandra's heart swelled with a mixture of sorrow and determination; every life they saved was a reminder of the stakes.

By the time they reached Central Park, their group had grown, a small band of survivors trailing behind them. The fortified walls of Belvedere Castle came into view, soldiers on the ramparts waving them in.

Major Thompson greeted them at the gate. "Good to see you back in one piece. And with more survivors, no less."

Sandra handed over the samples she had collected. "We found this in the tunnels. It might be the key to understanding the infection."

Thompson took the vials, his expression grim. "We'll get our scientists on it right away. In the meantime, let's get these people some help."

As the survivors were led to the medical tents, Sandra watched them go, her resolve hardening. They were making a difference, one rescue at a time. But the true test lay ahead—unlocking the secrets of the infection and finding a way to stop it.

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