Chapter Two - On Break

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There she was, being met with the same China Cafe as yesterday. Test Tube was trying to deem a way to strike a conversation with Fan and get new information from him, maybe even tell Taco if she felt like it.

She sighed, stepping out of her car and locking it, walking inside with the familiar chime of the door. The scientist stood there, trying to find Fan. Fortunately, she did.

Test Tube went up to the counter where Fan was, giving a little wave. "Hello—"

"Hello! Welcome to— oh, I'm sorry. I- I didn't mean to interrupt you. M- My bad." The employee stammered, sweating a bit.

"No worries, I don't mind." Test Tube replied straightforward.

There was some silence between the two, seeming as if Fan was staring at Test Tube. ". . . Hey, you look familiar."

"Yeah. I was here yesterday, actually."

"Oh! Your the girl who ordered the orange chicken with rice—and something else; nice to see you again."

Test Tube only returned with a light chuckle, soon quietening down. ". . . So, when are you on break?" Test Tube asked, looking around the cafe for an empty booth.

Fan looked down at his watch, tapping it to see the time. "Like, in five minutes." He paused for a second. "May I ask why?"

"Oh! Uh, I was—just wanting to see if y'know, we could talk?" She paused, thinking about what she said. "As, uh—companions, of course."

Test Tube noticed how Fans eyes shined at her answer, only to smile a little. "Oh yeah, sure! I'll get to you when I'm done."

"Cool! Thanks!" She said, walking over to the empty booth next to a window in a corner.

So, Test Tube patiently waited for Fan to get off his shift. As she sat there, she wondered how she was supposed to do all of this, assassin Fan in all. This was Test Tubes first ever time doing such a thing to anybody, or anything. She wasn't really into killing or hurting things physically unless it was for good. And killing a random guy that Test Tube didn't know what he did wasn't up to par for her. Did she come off too strong toward Fan?

But, she guessed she'd have to do it anyway or Taco would do something to her, though she didn't know.

The scientist heard some muffled dialogue from the kitchen, and saw Fan walking out with a wobbly smile, as if he were trying to hide it. Though, other than that he seemed pretty calm.

"Hey," Fan said, walking over to the girl.

Test Tube was snapped out of her mind from Fan, smiling once seeing him. "Oh, hey!"

Fan sat down, brushing his fingers through his hair. "So, youu wanted to talk?"

"Yeah! Uh..." Test Tube tried to think of something quick to say. "I thought you were pretty cool, and I thought we could get to know each other."

She smiled awkwardly at Fan for a moment before he spoke. "Oh yeah, I never got your name."

"Test Tube." She replied. Even if she already knew his name, she didn't want to seem like a weirdo and not ask Fan his name before addressing him as that. "Yours?"


Test Tube hummed, looking down at the table.

"So, do you do anything for work?"

It was relieving that Fan was starting the conversation and not her. "Yeah, I work in science engineering sometimes. And I guess being a mom counts, too."

After she said that, the man looked genuinely surprised. "You're  a mom? You look so young!"

"Heh, I guess," Test Tube laughed. "I feel flattered, I'm actually 27." She said, putting a hand on her chest. "You?"

"I turned 28 a week ago." Fan replied.

"Oh, well happy late birthday." Test Tube congratulated. Fan smiled, thanking her.

"But, speaking of you being a mom, what's your kid—or kids—like?" said Fan as he leaned in a little, resting his face on his hand.

"They're amazing. I'm glad I get to be their mom. Bot's their name."

"That's cool," Fan responded with, leaning back up. "I wish I were a parent. The closest I was to a dad was in highschool with this egg that we got for an assignment in health class. Hah—I named it Baby-Shimmer."

"Baby-Shimmer?" Test Tube inquired, laughing a breath. "Where'd you get that type of name?"

"Okay, so maybe the pattern it had reminded me of Shimmer and Shine, b- but my sister was the one who named it!" Fan said defensively.

She laughed once more. "I'll give you credit, it's kind of a creative name, to say the least." After that, the two sat quietly for a moment. Test Tube tapped her finger against the table, biting her cheek."... Actually, where did you go to school?"

"Indefinite School." Fan replied simply.

"Oh, really? I graduated there, but I moved to many, many schools."

Fan sat silent for a second, as if he were observing Test Tube. "Waitt, that's why your name seemed familiar!"

Test Tube was a bit shocked by him remembering someone like her. She wasn't really known in school. "Huh, I'm actually surprised you remember me."

Right when Fan was about to speak, someone interrupted him. "Breaks over, dork-face!"

"Huh—oh." Fan rolled his eyes at his co-worker and quickly grabbed a napkin from the napkin stand and a pen from his pocket, writing something down. "Sorry about Trophy, he's like that." Fan said, sliding the napkin to Test Tube. "Text me if you want, I guess. Nice talking to you!"

"Yeah, glad we got to meet each other." Test Tube replied as Fan walked away. She looked at the written napkin, supposedly having his phone number in it. Test Tube folded it up and slid it in her jacket, getting up and walking out of the cafe.


Also sorry for lying about bot being in this chapter I scrapped it igmmmgmg they might be in the next one who knows nkt me

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Also sorry for lying about bot being in this chapter I scrapped it igmmmgmg they might be in the next one who knows nkt me

And I'm gonna say this every short chapter I make but I promise that the next chapter will be longer even though this was about 1000 words... Maybe🥶🥶


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