Chapter Three - Numbers

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As any other parent in the pick up line, Test Tube was waiting for her own kid to walk outside from the school doors. Soft humming from the radio played over the underlying chatter of other parents or bellows of other kids being picked up.

She looked around, pulling up some after the other vehicle in front of her had driven away, seeing Bot.

"Hey, how was school?" Test Tube asked as they got in the car, like any other week day.

Bot took their backpack off and sat it on the floor. "It was good. Oh, yeah! There was a fight after lunch outside."

Test Tube looked into the front view mirror at Bot for a quick second as she drove to the highway. "Really? What about?"

"Okay, so. . ." Then they proceeded to gossip about school drama on the way home. Honestly, Test Tube forgot how dramatic middle school can be. She started to recall how she acted in middle school, when she was actually sociable.

"You weren't part of the fight, were you?" As the worrisome mom she was, she had to ask.

"Nah, I was just in the back, watching." Bot kicked their feet a bit.

Once they got home, the two went inside, bringing groceries that Test Tube had bought before picking Bot up. She took off her jacket whilst a paper fell out.

"Oh," Test Tube muttered, grabbing the paper from the ground and unfolding it, revealing a number with "Fan C:" underneath. She has forgotten about him giving her that earlier this morning. She'd get to that later.

"I forgot to tell you, Goo wants to come over tomorrow and I wanted to make sure it's alright with you?" Bot said, turning around.

Test Tube jumped slightly from the sudden noise, then sighed. "Of course! I love it when he's here. Like a son."

"Cool! Thanks mom!" Then Bot skipped into their room down the hallway.

Test Tube figured they had to do homework or something. In the meantime, she thought she could do some work herself. Maybe make dinner after.



Goodnight, love you." Test Tube whisperered, leaning against the door.

"Love you, too," Bot replied back, lying on their side.

The girl closed the door, turning off the hallway light and heading to her own room. She sat down on her bed, remembering about Fans phone number. Test Tube grabbed her phone from her nightstand, along with the note, and went straight to her contacts. She put in his phone number, and debated on what to say. Test Tube thought she shouldn't say anything right now, it was at least 10 P.M., and Fan was probably asleep.

She should say something; now or never.

"T -Hey, this is Test Tube. From the cafe."

About a minute after, Fan was typing.

"267-179-1794 (a/n RANDOM NUMBERRRS NOT REALLLL) -OHHH HEY, i almost forgot i gave you that 😭"

"T -It's fine. I did, too."

She remembered to change his contact name. It was only that for a moment before Fan sent a text.

"Fan -soo do you have any plans tmrw or antthinf, just wondering"

"Fan -*anyrbtjing"


"T -Anything?"

"Fan -Yes😓"

Test Tube couldn't help but to hum a giggle from his major typos.

"T -Hah. But yes, I guess I'm booked. I have to teach an engineering class."

"Fan -ohhhhh!!!!!! Coolio!!!!!:) I'm off sadly💔"

"Fan -mabe ill clean idk"

"T -It's good to be productive, so to that I say yes!"

"Fan -THA K YOU"

Test Tube looked at the time from her phone, being 10:20

"T -I should go to bed, it's late and I have to be somewhere tomorrow."

"Fan -awe alr😿"

"Fan -wellllll goodnighttttt!!"

A smile creeped up Test Tubes lips.

"T -Goodnight, :)"

She sighed, plugging her phone to charge and rolling to her side, closing her eyes.

A/N : slightly filler but it's actually part of the story and probably important,,,, also this isn't filler WHATTRT NOOOOO


But guys is 11:34pm.fkr me so goodngit silly gooses🥰🫶

So sorry for the terrible and short chapter I'll  do better next time I promise I wanted to get this whole section of the book over with so I could get to the actually good part of the book where fan and tube get all dorky aroind each tiehr im so sorry guys expect the beginning of the book to SUCK ASS anyways goodnjght gang like this chapter actually os so bad im nkt joming ill make a whole apology fkr kt giys im so skrry

Oh yeah I had a dream where me and Lisa Loud had beef with each other and another one where caseoh shot up my school, thought I should bring it up

I might delete this and rewrite it, and redraw the banner thing so 😋


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