Part -8

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It was a quiet afternoon when Hardik entered the school bathroom, only to hear the sound of someone crying and cursing. Concerned, he walked in further and saw Shubman at the sink, washing his face while muttering angrily to himself.

"Shubman? Are you okay?" Hardik asked softly, startling Shubman.

Shubman quickly wiped his tears and tried to put on a brave face. "Hardik, hey. I'm fine. Just... something in my eye."

Hardik frowned, not buying it. "Come on, Shubman. What's really going on?"

After some coaxing, Shubman finally broke down. "It's Ishan. He abandoned me in the cafeteria and hasn't called me since. I feel so stupid for thinking he liked me."

Hardik's heart went out to Shubman. He put a comforting arm around his shoulder. "I'm sorry, Shubman. Maybe there's an explanation. Ishan isn't the type to just abandon someone."

As they talked, the bathroom door slammed open, and the school bullies walked in. They sneered when they saw Hardik comforting Shubman.

"Well, well, if it isn't Hardik and his boyfriend, making a scene," one of the bullies jeered.

Hardik stood protectively in front of Shubman. "Leave him alone. He hasn't done anything to you."

The bullies ignored him, stepping closer. "So, you're making your boyfriend cry now, Hardik? That's pathetic."

Before Hardik could react, one of the bullies punched him in the stomach, making him double over in pain. Shubman tried to help, but another bully pushed him away. The bullies continued to attack Hardik until suddenly, the door burst open again.

"Ishan!" Shubman cried out as Ishan stormed in, his eyes blazing with anger.

"Get away from them!" Ishan shouted, charging at the bullies. He landed a solid punch on one of them, sending him reeling.

The bullies, startled by Ishan's sudden appearance and fury, quickly backed off. "This isn't over," one of them spat before they fled the bathroom.

Ishan, breathing heavily, turned to Shubman and Hardik. "Are you guys okay?"

Hardik nodded, wincing as he stood up. "Yeah, thanks to you."

Shubman, still shaken, looked at Ishan with teary eyes. "Why, Ishan? Why did you abandon me in the cafeteria? Why didn't you call?"

Ishan's face softened, guilt evident in his eyes. "Shubman, I'm so sorry. I got caught up with assignments and completely lost track of time. I never meant to hurt you."

Shubman sniffled, looking down. "You really hurt me, Ishan. I thought you didn't care."

Ishan stepped closer, reaching out to gently lift Shubman's chin. "I care about you a lot, Shubman. I'm really sorry. Can you forgive me?"

Shubman looked into Ishan's eyes, seeing the sincerity there. Without a word, he stepped forward and hugged Ishan tightly. "It's okay. Just don't do it again."

Ishan hugged him back, relief flooding through him. "I promise, Shubman. It won't happen again."

From behind them, Hardik watched the reconciliation with a sigh of relief. Despite the pain he felt from the bullies' punches, he was glad to see his friends making up.

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