Part -19

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Hardik Pandya was enjoying himself at the family function during the weekend. The music was lively, the food was delicious, and he was surrounded by relatives and friends. He laughed and chatted with everyone, feeling at ease.

However, unbeknownst to him, his parents were engaged in a conversation with some relatives a short distance away.

"You know, Krunal has been doing so well," Hardik's father said, pride evident in his voice. "He's already making milestones in his career."

One of the relatives nodded. "And what about Hardik? How's he doing?"

Hardik's mother sighed. "Well, Hardik...he's another story. He can't even score good marks in school. And he can't even get a seat in a prestigious college because he wasn't into athletics. He's just not as focused as Krunal."

The relatives exchanged glances, whispering among themselves. Hardik's father continued, "We love him, but sometimes it feels like he's not living up to his potential. It's disappointing."

Meanwhile, Hardik was entertaining a group of children with stories and jokes. He was in the middle of a funny anecdote when a small boy tugged on his sleeve.

"Hardik bhaiya," the boy said, looking up at him with wide eyes, "are you useless?"

The question hit Hardik like a punch to the gut. He crouched down to the boy's level, trying to keep his voice steady. "Why do you ask that, buddy?"

The boy pointed towards Hardik's parents, who were still talking with the relatives. "I heard your parents saying you're useless."

Hardik's heart sank. He forced a smile, ruffling the boy's hair. "Don't worry about that, okay? Sometimes adults say things without thinking."

The boy nodded and ran off to play with the other kids. Hardik stood up slowly, feeling like the ground had shifted beneath his feet. He made his way to a quieter corner of the function, needing a moment to collect his thoughts.

A few minutes later, Krunal found him. "Hey, what's up? You disappeared all of a sudden."

Hardik shrugged, trying to act nonchalant. "Just needed some air. What's going on?"

Krunal's eyes narrowed. "You look upset. Did something happen?"

Hardik sighed, realizing he couldn't hide his feelings from his brother. "A kid asked me if I was useless. Apparently, that's what our parents think of me."

Krunal frowned, anger flickering in his eyes. "They said that? In front of everyone?"

Hardik nodded. "Yeah. It's one thing to think it, but to say it out hurts, man."

Krunal placed a hand on Hardik's shoulder. "You're not useless, Hardik. You have so much potential, even if it's not in the way they expect. You're smart, funny, and you have a good heart. Don't let anyone, not even our parents, make you feel otherwise."

Hardik managed a small smile. "Thanks, Krunal. That means a lot."

Krunal nodded. "And you know what? Let's prove them wrong. Let's show them that you're not only useful but extraordinary."

Hardik chuckled, feeling a bit better. "Yeah, let's do that."

Later that night, Hardik sat at his desk, scrolling through various courses on his laptop. He was determined to find something that would help him stand out and make his family proud. But the more he looked, the more frustrated he became. Nothing seemed to click. He sighed, rubbing his temples.

Just then, his phone dinged. He picked it up to see a notification from KL Rahul. When he opened it, he saw a picture of Rahul clutching his leg, a dramatic expression of pain on his face. The caption read, "Got a strain in my leg. Need you to kiss my boo-boo."

Hardik chuckled, feeling a wave of affection for his boyfriend. He quickly typed a reply, "Always playing the drama queen, aren't you? How bad is it?"

Within seconds, Rahul responded, "Not too bad, just a minor strain. But your kisses have healing powers, you know."

Hardik laughed, shaking his head. "Sure, sure. Take it easy, okay? Rest up and don't push yourself too hard."

Rahul sent a heart emoji. "Will do. Love you."

"Love you too," Hardik replied, feeling a bit lighter.

As he set his phone down, Hardik's mind wandered back to the courses. Then it hit him-physiotherapy. Rahul had always joked about Hardik's healing touch, and he'd seen firsthand how important good physios were for athletes. Maybe this could be his path.

He quickly searched for physiotherapy courses, his excitement growing as he found several options. He read through the descriptions, feeling more and more confident that this was something he could excel in and enjoy.

The next day, he decided to share his thoughts with Ishan during their study session.

"Ishan," Hardik began, a bit hesitantly, "I think I've figured out what I want to do."

Ishan looked up from his books, curiosity piqued. "Oh? What's that?"

"Physiotherapy," Hardik said, feeling a bit more confident as he said it out loud. "I've been thinking about it, and it feels right. I've always enjoyed helping others, and with Rahul's injury last just made sense."

Ishan's eyes widened in surprise but quickly turned into a smile. "That's actually a great idea, Hardik. You've always been good at taking care of people. And with your interest in sports, it's a perfect fit."

Hardik grinned, feeling more assured. "You think so?"

"I know so," Ishan said firmly. "You'll be amazing at it. Plus, it's a growing field with lots of opportunities. Your parents will have to see how useful you are then."

Hardik chuckled. "Yeah, that's the plan. I just hope I can get into a good program."

Ishan gave him a reassuring pat on the back. "You will. Just keep working hard, and you'll get there. And if you need any help with the application process, I'm here for you."

"Thanks, Ishan," Hardik said, feeling grateful for his friend's support. "This means a lot."

Ishan smiled. "Anytime. Now, let's get back to studying so you can ace those exams and start your new journey."

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