2 - uji cafe!!

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"how was you date yesterday, cheol?" jihoon, owner of the cafe where seungcheol works, asked.

it was the opening time for the cafe and seungcheol had just arrived. he went to the changing room and saw the new boy there, who joined working there, who took his place in yesterday.

he greeted that young man while putting on the spring and walked outside to answer jihoon.

"yeah. it went well! hannie was very happy since we hadn't really spent much time together."

while he was answering jihoon's question, the doorbell chimed and in came jeonghan and seungkwan.

it was obvious they heard that conversation.

"yeah yeah, that happiness came with a slight cost." jeonghan joked as he eyes seungkwan.

the latter rolled his eyes and said, "don't you dare think about leaving me waiting." he checked

"yeah. cheol, just make him whatever he wants. it's on me." jeonghan said.

"ahh seungkwan, can you give the order to him? I should arrange those chairs there." seungcheol said as he pointed to the new guy there ag walked to one of the corners to arrange the chairs for the day's customers.

seungcheol made sure to pass his boyfriend a small wink while walking past him.

jeonghan smiled and helped himself to one of the tables and pulled out his phone.

seungkwan was hesitant to talk to the new guys since he know he's be awkward. he looked that jihoon had also moved to the counter to arrange the drawers and menus.

he sighed and walked towards the new guy.

as he stepped closer, he noticed the guy in a more detailed way.

pretty eyelashes, brown eyes, sharp nose and jawline and looked kind of foreign. seungkwan wondered if he was actually Korean.

he noticed the guy's name tag which read Vernon.

superb. he sucks at english.

at that moment, they made eye contact.

fuck that guy's eyes are actually gorgeous now that he looks at me

his stomach felt like it did one of the weird dance soonyoung does.

"excuse me? you've been staring."

that guy, or Vernon spoke in english with a strong American accent.

seungkwan's brain needed time processing that. he then realised his mouth was open all along. he closed it immediately.

"what would you like to order?"

oh my god more English.

"uh... one... I... want..." he mentally cursed himself for stuttering in english. he wasn't very fluent but he rarely stuttered.

wtf is happening????

"thats alright. you can talk in korean."

seungkwan's tummy did the Seokmin version of soonyoung's dance this time.

"you speak Korean." seungkwan blurted out.

with that, Vernon chuckled.

w o w

wtf is this feeling again?

"what would you like to order?" Vernon asks.

"one iced Americano." seungkwan said.

jeonghan had came there and put his hands around seungkwan's shoulders. "what did you order?"

"so, one iced Americano right?"  Vernon repeated.

"whaaaat!!! ya seungkwan!! order something else! it's my treat! you drink this every day!!" jeonghan complained.

"thats okay hyung l-"

'what okay? I can afford more than just an iced americano!"

the two kept bickering.

Vernon waited for them to decide on one drink.

after a few minutes, (with seungcheol's intervention) they decided on 2 Vanilla Frappes.

jihoon watched all this drama from the cash counter.

soon, customers started coming in and the day eventually got busy.

"cheol, were leaving."  jeonghan informed seungcheol who's now at the counter. seungkwan waved him a goodbye from the entrance and waited for jeonghan.

his eyes automatically drifted to the guy next to seungcheol but he was busy handling and order.

"don't you dare."

that interrupted seungkwan's thoughts. he turned to see jihoon at the cash counted sighing.

"what?" seungkwan asked.

"just look at them. it was all fine until they were dating-" jihoon pointed to the jeongcheol couple who shows no sign of ending the chit chat.
"Vernon has just joined and I don't want him distracted like that with you."

seungkwan's ears reddened.

"wh-what are youeventalkingabo—"

"just kidding, Kwan!" jihoon laughed.

seungkwan couldn't stand the embarassment and dragged jeonghan away from cheol before exiting the cafe.

he could hear a loud yet familiar voice yell, "jihoonieeee!!" from a distance which was none other than his wannabe tiger roommate.

"oh hi Kwan, hi hannie hyung! I'll catch up with you guys later, I'm a bit busy right now." hoshi said thus and walked towards the cafe.

"whipped." jeonghan commented while smiling at soonyoung hop his way into the cafe.

"yeah." seungkwan snickered as if he was having thoughts about the new barista.


I haven't proofread this so I apologise for any typos / errors.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21 ⏰

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