chapter 2 bad feeling

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After three hours of ride they both fell asleep when Dani woke up it was night but haven't reached their destination yet and Dani was I little worried but didn't say anything after a nother few hours of driving they finely reach where they were going.

Is now around two in the morning so there is no one outside except some elderly people in those temple's

They finally got to the place there are going to stay, so they got out of the car take their luggage and walk into a house that looks like one of the temple upon getting in their room they saw a nother couple but haven't greet each other.

It was a long trip so they are both tired and went straight to bed .

Is morning

The sun is shining through the window and there is a few people talking outside.

Dani woke up

He got put his shirt on, he opened the door and make his way outside and took a good look around the village

The village is full of temple's and statues of different gods that they are praying to.

But one of the statue caught his attention, it's a elephant statue with red paint on it .

He got closer and closer until he was about to touch it and at that time someone called him.

It was one of the couple they saw earlier in morning, turns out it was one of his highschool friend name josh

Dani and Josh were best friends in highschool but they separated when Dani had to move to a different town because his parents were divorced .

He turns and runs towards Josh they shared a heartwarming hug.

"Dani my god it's been a long time bro" josh said while hugging him tightly

Yeah,"How have been bro" answered Dani

Are you here on vacation too said Josh

"Yes me and my wife"

"You got married that's amazing"said Josh with a big smile on his face

" So how about you, who are you with

I'm here with my girlfriend she is taking a shower I think but anyway tell me what you were up to since you left.

They had a long conversation before Josh's girlfriend came by and interrupted them

They introduced themselves and continued chatting.

Annie on the other hand has a terrible dream about getting sacrifice to one of the god in one of the temple while Dani getting his head off .

She woke up by a little girl crying outside her window, she got up and looks for Dani who wasn't beside her , she calls out to him

"Dani , Dani where did you go"

Before open the door and went outside, she started to wander around before coming to a straight temple with some human skull , she got closer and pick it up and stares at it for a while before saying is "probably fake"
She walk for a few more seconds before seeing Dani and the couple talking in a distance , she calls out to Dani a runs towards em .

He introduced her to the couple and they continue chatting.

Turns out they have been here for a week now and these people are a bit weird but doesn't mind em.

After talking they are done talking both couple makes their way to there house .

It's night again Dani and Annie are getting ready for bed and they are talking about how they haven't explorer anything yet .

Dani said that it is fine because they still have tomorrow to do so

At that time a loud noise came from outside and they can hear a woman crying.

Annie became a little scared but Dani on the other hand came by to the door to check it out , but finds no one outside.

There is nothing there "he said?!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14 ⏰

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