Chapter 8

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The theme of Edwin's entire existence had been about holding back and hiding parts of himself and presenting a face to the world that was at-odds with his true self. Even Charles, with whom he had a deep and unshakable bond - did not know him as well as he probably should. Which was Edwin's fault, really. Part of that was because Edwin didn't fully understand himself. But then along came the Cat King, who seemed to speak to the secret parts of himself, either out of sheer hope or some keen insight.

Cat knew, for instance, that Edwin didn't need to be treated with kid gloves, despite his Edwardian repression and recently-closeted status.

Cat made Edwin felt safe and respected. And that meant the uptight part of his nature slipped away. He kissed deeply, and explored Cat's body fearlessly while letting the sensations the magical collar gave him stimulate the whole of his spectral body.

Cat laughed in delight when Edwin very boldly stuck his hands down his low-strung trousers and fondled him with very little hesitation.

"I knew we had more in common than our solitude," said Cat as he swung Edwin around and threw him down onto a plush, round bed.

Edwin let himself drop back against the bed. And for the first time, he let himself smile. He touched Cat's cheek while the other explored all the ways that made them different - and the same. "What's that, then?" he asked.

Cat arched his back and rolled his hips forward. "Remember what I said about the uptight ones?" He smiled fiercely, baring his pointed canines.

"Are you going to be smug, or are you going to teach me a lesson?"

Cat's smile got wider. His golden eyes danced with mirth. "Edwin! Oh, my my my. School is definitely in session. Though..." he tugged sharply up on his ghostly shirttails and flattened his palm against Edwin's stomach. "I think we should keep the training wheels on, hmm? Do you even know what men can do together?" He lowered himself to drape against Edwin's body, gently sandwiching their hands as they fondled each other.

It was a fair question. But Edwin had an answer. He managed to find his words even though what he was feeling was so novel, it threatened to overwhelm even his exceedingly disciplined mind. "The library is a wonderful place," he said on the exhale. "As is the local sex shop just down from the office. I might've snuck in a few times to peruse their selection. For research purposes, of course. How can I solve cases without understanding such an important part of the human experience?"

In truth, it had taken Edwin nearly two years to work up the courage to do exactly that. Only after he nearly blew a case because of his lack of knowledge about sex did he finally convince himself it was necessary. He visited the shop several times, face burning with embarrassment as he worked his way through various books in the dark with a flashlight, like a child reading comic books under the covers. He started with the straight ones. Those, he could get through with an academic's detachment. But the books about gay sex...

"Of course," murmured Cat. "I should have guessed. Using that big..." and when he repeated the word again, it was in a much more lewd way, "...big..." he fondled, "...brain."

After that, Edwin lost his ability to go quip-for-quip with Cat. Instead, he dedicated himself with a scholar's passion to experimenting with things he'd only read about in books. He'd memorized certain techniques and ways of stimulating a partner. He wanted to show Cat that he wasn't going to be a passive recipient of his attentions. He wanted to meet him head-on in all things - even the physical.

But there was only so much Edwin could do to return the favour when Cat slid down between Edwin's legs, dragging his trousers further down as he went . He dedicated his mouth to pursuits other than quips filled with innuendo or lewd flirting. Though, his mouth's new vocation was inarguably far more rude than anything he could possibly say.

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