Why me?

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Niall's POV

I woke to my boyfriend,Liam's boring alarm and noticed a bit of pain in my head but that's because of a symptom of my fainting disorder I've had since I was at least 7 and now I'm 17 so I know when I feel like I'm going to faint
" morning babe you okay Nialler ?" Liam questioned
"Yeah no I'm.. I'm okay" I answer trying not to make a fuss about it
"Okay well remember to take you meds today you don't faint as much today" he stated in Daddy direction mode
"Yea dad!" I joked and went to kitchen but stumbled
"Hey Niall...whoa you okay?" I knew it was Harry as soon as the first word
"Yeah fine just you know headache" I said but I really wasn't
"Okay boys let's get going we've got a lot of things to do today we've got 2 interviews, a meet and greet and then a concert tonight sound good?" Paul yelled and we all nod our heads "also don't forget about your meds Niall"
We walk to the van and get in.

Harry's POV

Niall was acting really weird earlier he stumbled and he only does that when he's dizzy but I hope nothing bad happens today last month he got rushed to hospital after fainting over 10 times and each lasting about 3 minutes and when he woke up 3 seconds later he was back unconscious.
"Harry?" Niall whispered but I could hear him
"Yeah what's up mate?" I questioned knowing he's got a headache I said a bit quiet
"Can I lay on your lap please I'm really tired and I barely slept last night" he's explains half asleep
"Of course mate I'll wake you when we arrive at the studio"
"Thanks" and sooner than later falls straight to sleep on my lap
"Is he alright?" Louis added and I nod
I really hope he's okay

1 hour later

Liam's POV
We have just at the place where we are doing our interview we're currently on our American tour and we're in North Carolina Which is okay I guess, Harry is currently waking up Niall as he fell asleep on the way here
"I don't wanna get up I'm dizzy" Niall moans and Louis pulls a face it's the 'why didn't he tell us face' and I shrug my shoulders
"It's okay Niall this one's not that long I promise only about half an hour maximum Paul told me" Zayn explains and we help poor Niall onto his feet

*In the studio*

"Hi guys I'm Laura today I'm here with the world's biggest boyband.... It's one direction!" The interviewer exclaims
"We are very happy to be here especially for the American tour!" Louis shouts and we all cheer except for Niall
"Li,have you noticed how Niall hasn't been his usual bubbly self today?" Zayn whispers and I nod and notice him daydreaming and all of a sudden collapse onto the hard floor

Niall's POV
We're right now in the middle of our interview and all of us sudden my vision goes blurry and I can't hear that much
"Niall? Ni? Hello earth to Niall? You got asked a question" Someone asked
"Hm what..oh sorry must've zoned out" I lied knowing that I was gonna faint sooner than later
"Where is your favourite place to tour and why?" The interviewer asks
"Uhm probably Ireland because it's my home town and I get to see my family and friends and see my old bedroom and see where my childhood memories are from " I reply
"Okay" she's says and asks the others a few questions too

It's been a while and my head is spinning like crazy and all of a sudden black spots fill my vision and I knew it would happen today because it happens everyday and I feel myself fall and meet the darkness.

Louis' POV
"Niall! Come on mate wake up please" Harry cried with tears in his eyes
"Harry it's alright just stay calm and try not to panic" I reassured him and Paul arrives at the scene
"Okay I want Liam to help me lift him onto the couch in the dressing room on 3 1...2...3 Lift!" And they carry him to the dressing room and straight to the couch after that's when chaos starts there was was Harry crying Zayn and Liam comforting him and me whispering stuff into into Niall's ear so he's okay and a couple minutes later Niall's awake but he looks so pale
"Mhmgm" Niall mumbles inaudible
"It's okay Ni we're here can you open your eyes for me please" I respond calmly so that he doesn't panic and soon his eyes flutter open
"What...what happened" he quizzed unaware of his surroundings
"You fainted during our interview and we're in the dressing room" I reply and someone comes with a bottle of water it's Liam
"Drink this please" I beg knowing he'll make a fuss and refuse but he needs something so he decides to takes tiny sips and after drifts off to sleep and all of a sudden management arrive
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE WHEN YOUR SUPPOSED TO BE OUT THERE DOING AN INTERVIEW!" Was the first they say and Niall jolted awake panicked
"Can't you see that Niall isn't well he's just passed out and he's really tired and you know that he has a fainting disorder leave him alone!" Liam kisses his head and play with his hair so he calms down a bit as it's his weakness
"Well maybe attention seeker can stand up and get out with no problem" one of them say and drag Niall up and see fall into unconsciousness again
"Ugh Niall quit being a comedian" and start dragging across the hallway and scratches his head across the floor and caused him to bleed out
"STOP IT YOUR HURTING HIM" Liam screams and Niall starts stirring awake
"W...What's happening....ah ah! My head argh" he screams at the top of his lungs
"Call and ambulance please!" Paul shouts
"Already did!" Zayn says and see them run along
"Okay we're going to examine him and decide whether he's going to get stitches or not" the paramedic stated and see all nod.
*5 minutes later*
"Okay he won't have to get stitches but he does a concussion I know you guys do concerts so what I do is use ear defenders and his in-ears so he can't hear the audience but will be able to hear you guys" he replies and I sigh in relief
"Come on Nialler let's go we've got a concert to do!" I exclaimed

Liam's POV

We're just about to on stage and Niall gets called by stupid management and all of a sudden returns sobbing his eyes out
"Oh Niall it's okay shhhh we're right here" I reassure him and cuddle him into my arms
"Guys.... I overheard the conversation between him and management" Zayn owns up and starts to explain "They kept saying that he's just attention seeking and faking his condition and at one point almost hit him and basically just kept telling him that's he not good enough" I was so mad but Paul told us it's go time and we start to head to stage and then we run on stage singing our first song 'Up All Night'

*After the concert*
We've just finished the concert and heading to the tour bus and Niall is currently sleeping on my lap
"Poor thing, had a long day, fainted twice in one day about 30 minutes apart and scratched his head" Harry cooed as we pick him up and take him to his bunk
I kiss his forehead "Night Niall I love you" and see a tiny smile on his face

Hey guys this is the first chapter to my first ever book I hope you like it and have a good day

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