I hate this

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Niall's POV

Today is a busy day: 2 interviews,3 studio sessions and a concert. I can already tell there's gonna be lots of paparazzi that's for sure, I also have claustrophobia so it doesn't mix well with my fainting disorder and causes me faint for longer periods
"Morning babe, sleep well?" Liam, my boyfriend asks, we really want to come out so hopefully tonight we can do it together
"Yeah" I say and all of a sudden a random word gets blurted out my mouth "will you shut up Liam my ears are bleeding" I say
"Seriously babe I didn't do anything wrong" he says and walks out
"Liam wait!" I shrug my shoulders not knowing what's happening and all of a sudden start jerking
"Argh ah ah" I don't even know what to do...
"HELP!" I shout but no one is answering them I see darkness....

Harry's POV
I'm scrolling through my twitter feed and I hear Niall shouting for help so I go upstairs and there he is, uncontrollably jerking and I knew he was having a seizure so I quickly put him in the recovery position and Liam walks in
"Harry what's happening to Ni, is he alright" he questions and sits right next to him whispering sweet nothings in his ear as he slowly starts to jerk less and less, it's been at least two years since he had a seizure and that was because he kept fainting every hour of the day for a week and we realised that's not what happened this time.
"Hey are alright you had a seizure for a good minute or so?" I muttered terrified about what happened
"I..I guess,I..m..mean I feel sore but other than that...I'm okay I think" he confirmed
"Okay that's good do you need help getting up babe?" Liam proposed
"Yeah thanks" and we lift him up to his bed

Liam's POV
Me and Niall are currently cuddling in our bed, well Niall's but it's basically ours because I'm here all the time and he starts to whimper slightly and I can't he's about to go into another seizure but it's only an absence
"Hey,shhh,your okay your going into a seizure it's okay it's only an absence"  luckily it only lasted for 30 seconds and we put on finding Nemo,aka Niall's favourite movie and about 20 minutes in he fast asleep so I turned it off and cuddled against him and fell asleep.

Later that night
Me and Niall are currently sleeping and all of a sudden he starts to go into a seizure
"Niall,are you alright love" but he starts to shake violently
"BOYS GET UP NOW IT'S NIALL" and they come to our room
"Has this ever happened before" Louis questions
"Yeah I remember during X factor when Harry was with Niall and he had a seizure for 4 minutes" Zayn commented and we all remember and slowly he starts to wake up
"Mghm" he responds inaudible and soon we see his blue eyes well up with tears
"Hey your okay I know it was scary but your safe" I respond and he soon falls asleep and we all sleep together in one room.

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