Happy not so happy birthday

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Zayn's POV
Today we've got a performance in Mullingar Ireland,and Niall is so excited to be back in his hometown and maybe because it's his birthday as well and he gets to perform in front of the Irish fans so our dress up crew had an idea for Niall and it was adorable.

"Hey Zayn come here for a sec please" one of our dress up crews asked
"Yeah what's up" i reply
"I found this onesie for Niall and I asked management if he could wear it and they said yes do you think he should wear it tonight" and it's a onesie with a Irish flag on it with his name and one direction on.
"Yes definitely he's going to love it without a doubt"

Later that night

Liams' POV

"Why are you all smiling" Niall questions
Close your eyes and we'll help you get changed" Harry replies
"Uhh o..kay" and we put on the onesie "ooo this is so comfy" and we all laugh
"Open your eyes in 3..2..1!" And he sees the onesie
"Omg guys this is incredible, I love it" he says and we all get ready to on stage and we even put balloons on him
We then onto the stage and the crowd goes crazy and they even wear the Irish flag on them too
"Hello Mullingar I'm hoooome" Niall shouts and everyone screams but Niall doesn't look right soon faints not long after
"Oh Niall it's okay" i say comforting him as he slowly starts to go into a seizure
"No no no, oh god" Louis cried and we wait it out the fans know about Niall so they just stayed silent
"Mghm ugh li what happened" Niall questions exhausted after 7 long minutes of jerking
"You fainted and then had a seizure" i gulped and kissed his forehead

A few minutes later Niall is back to himself and we sing our first song 'live while we're young' it's one of my favourites

Halfway through the concert Niall starts to have a absence seizure and then tried to stand but fails miserably and faints
"This is the first time it's happened more than once on his birthday" I say and the boys all nod in agreement
"Did I faint again?" Niall mumbles
"I'm sorry love" I apologise and sobs
"This has never happened before in my life and it has to happen today" he says as he sobs into my shoulder as I quietly sing little things as it's his favourite song on the album and the boys sing with and the crowd join in to and even turn their torches on their phones, it was so incredible
"I'm in love with you, and all your little things" we finish and see that he fell asleep so Paul, our bodyguard takes him backstage and put him on the sofa and then cover him in a blanket, we then start to sing our favourite song
'don't forget where you belong'

After the concert
"Hey Ni Ni bear we're back at the hotel now" louis whispered he starts to stir
"Lou don't he's asleep let him be calm, he's has a tiring day" I command and he nods , I pick up Niall and take him to the bedroom, he's half awake so I ask if I can put some comfy clothes on him to sleep with me and he nods so I put on joggers and a tee shirt with his favourite jumper I gave him. I kiss his head and soon fall in a deep sleep

Hey guys caitlyn here,the next chapter will be a sequel to this chapter and maybe the others too have a good day

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21 ⏰

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