~I wonder how Uncle Kaoru will do...~

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"So, (y/n), what do you think?" The male twin asked his sister just as he locked the door to their home. By the silence of the house, it seemed that their uncle Kaoru was out that night as usual. "Mr Shindo isn't that scary."

The girl shook at the mere thought of him, and as she stood, still at the entrance, she stretched out her hand to grab hold of her brother's sleeve. "Yui, I don't think you should see him anymore." At this, the boy turned to his sibling confused.
"I-its just that -"
"Forget it." The twin shook off her grip and began to walk further into the house.

"Y-yui...?" When he heard the sound of his nearly tearing sister's voice, Yuichiro came to a halt before instantly turning around to face her.
"Sorry about that, (y/n). I didn't mean to sound harsh." Whilst he spoke, a smile grazed his lips. "I'll try to be more conscious of my tone."

The small female looked over at her twin, not knowing whether to smile or not after his sudden behaviour. Nevertheless, she shook her head. "Don't worry about it, Yui. Just please don't sneak out to meet him anymore." A few seconds silence passed.


Poor (y/n); unable to stop Yuichiro from walking into the hole that's right in front of him.


Later that day, you headed off to 'S' with Cherry and Joe. After meeting up with the group, you all gathered around this large stage, which Adam shot out from on his board. The man explained that the next races would be raffled out of a box, each pair racing each other.

The first pair was Shadow and some other faceless guy. Shadow obviously won, using his 'flashy' methods. The next pair, which Adam seemed upset about, was Langa and Joe. This one was a long and exciting one, as both of them were incredible skaters.

In the end, Langa won by getting over the line a centimetre before Joe, falling straight onto the ground. You immediately leapt onto your friend, pleased that he was able to beat one of the founding members of 'S'.

Langa hugged you back as you both embraced each other until he pulled away slightly, his arms still around you and a frown on his face.
"(Y/n), what should I do...?" You tilted your head at that, confused by what he meant.

You followed his gaze to the snapped board that lay on the ground.
"Skateboards are expendable, you know that?" Joe leaned over beside the both of you, also observing the deck.

"Can I fix it?" The Canadian asked.
"It'd be more convenient to just buy a new one." Kojiro replied, to which you lowered your head.
"But Langa can't ride just any board..."
"It has to be this one."

"Reki made it, am I right?" The muscular man questioned. "So just have him fix it."
"But -"
"It would be okay if it's you guys." Joe stopped the boy from finishing, a grin visible on his face.

With that, you and Langa set off to go and find your friend. As you both walked around the area, the blue haired male told you how he had seen Reki whilst he was racing and that his bedroom window was left open, meaning that he was definitely at 'S'.

As both you and Langa ran around in search for Reki, you heard many around you talking about the new pairings.

"Adam against Cherry Blossom!"
"Woah! That's gonna be good!"
"Isn't this practically already the finals then?!"

You paused for a moment, concern filling you, but then it quickly faded. You knew that your uncle had been preparing for a beef against Adam for a while now, so you felt that he had a chance to get out of the race unscathed, at least.

"He was around here somewhere..." You stayed close behind your classmate as you both looked around the area but were approached by a group of fanboys.
"Hey, it's Snow and Muichiro!" One of them said.
"Your beef earlier was impressive!"

"Um," Langa interrupted them, gaining their attention to what he had to say. "Have any of you seen a redhead around here?"
The group of boys looked at each other, confused.
"I don't think so..."

Whilst you and Langa continued to look for the redhead, you saw Cherry and Adam skate past you on the track, showing that their beef had begun. You worried slightly again but calmed down your nerves, believing that Kaoru could make it.

A few seconds had passed, and you and your classmate still haven't found your friend. You sighed, starting to get a little tiring, so you started to run a little slower behind Langa.

"Adam is dancing!"
"The Matador of Love has arrived!"
"This is getting heated!"

The yells of others grabbed your attention, causing you to wonder what was going on. As you stared at the phone watchers shocked and confused faces, this sudden urge to check on your uncle hit you as you started sprinting down the track.

Ignoring Langa's calls behind you, you continued to run until you saw the beaten and limp body of the pink-haired adult laying on the ground. You almost froze at the sight as Adam talked down on him before turning to one of the cameras to address 'Snow'.

You, half tripping down the jagged slope of the side of the track, fell at your uncle's side.
"U- Uncle Kaoru!" You cried, tears welling in your eyes.

Upon hearing his pained tone, you harshly spun your head round to see the bored and plain face of the villain.
"I don't understand why you're so upset about this, my darling Muichiro -"

"Shut up, you sadistic freak." You then stood up and began to approach the man. "How can any NORMAL human being RUTHLESSLY beat up someone and then turn to their niece, acting as if it's no BIG DEAL?!"

You started to charge at the male, filled with rage. "You psychotic MANIAC; going around finding pleasure in inflicting PAIN!" The adult allowed a smile to grace his lips as you neared him.
"My darling, please calm down -"
"I said SHUT UP!!'

As you raised your fist to punch Adam, you were instantly picked up by a pair of muscular arms and moved away from the man. "Kojiro!! Put me DOWN!"
"I thought that I could have a little fun with Cherry, but he was just boring." When Adam spoke, it only made you want to attack him more as you wrestled with Joe.

"Adam, you son of a -!" The green haired adult was cut off by a car coming to a stop a bit behind you.
"Hurry and get in!" The ginger called out, head poking out of the window. "We need to focus on getting him to the hospital right now!"

You glared one final time at the maniac before calming down, showing Kojiro that you weren't going to act recklessly anymore, so he put you down and picked up Kaoru. After the three of you got into the vehicle, you were immediately off to the hospital, leaving Langa and Miya at 'S'.


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