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                Hello and Welcome to the Harry Potter Fanfic known as, "The Phoenix's Flames, The Demon's Tears, And The Shadow's Mercy". Which has these witches, and wizards starring:

     Aj Sayge Firethorn: Transfer student from Taiwan, that joins their fellowing second years which is the class Harry Potter is held in. Pure-blooded wizard, born to Lord Jin-long Firethorn, and Adrea Lee Firethorn, who is a descendent of the old noble house of Prince in Britain despite being a Half-Blood. Has an uncle that has no idea their exist or that their mother is alive, and survived the attack long ago, known as the most hated potions Master of Hogwarts.

    Astro Pollux Denzel Black: Born to the noble house of Black, despite his father being disowned before his birth, and is in the same class of second years. Astro is a Pure-blooded wizard born to Serius Black, Remus Lupin-Black, and surrogate mother Clara Travers, who died during child birth. With one parent in his life, who was a Werewolf was quite hard to manage, but luckily they did as a small family of two for most of Astro's life. He joined his fellow classmates his first year, and got sorted int the house of Slytherin to the smites of his two fathers wishes.

     Arabella Vivian Helen Nott: Born to the noble house of Nott, and twin sister of Theodore Nott, who joined Hogwarts in her first year along with her twin. Arabella was born to Pure-bloods, to most call Lord and Lady Nott because of societies costumes, mainly old Wizarding Culture standards. She was quickly sorted into the house of Slytherin, right before her twin, and made quick friends with her fellow housemate despite her being quiet and shy compared to her other peers.

      And Starring all the Harry Potter Characters, who has been altered to fit the plot, storyline, and ships choosen for this Fanfic. But they are not change too much from Jk Rowlings image, a long with Warner Brothers Studios images that they brought to life. Yes there is both popular and unpopular ships, so no hate please. Remember this is rated mature, and has basic trigger warning for a reason, so please read with caution if those basic warnings will upset or bother you in any way. Please stop if it gets to much to handle, your well being is more important that this story, and will completely be understand if you need to stop reading this.


    This fic has a main goal outlined, but not fully fledged out, will be updated when I can do so, but no type of schedule. I am not the best with those... Anyway I would love feed back, but no hate of any kind please and thank you. If any suggestions or request of what type of scene, or such as can be requested by commenting at the end of the chapter. Do not post anywhere without my permission to do so, or work base off/made with my main oc's! Doing so I will report you, despite your reasoning and actions, unless I gave your permission. And no I do not post anywhere but on this platform, if you find my work somewhere else please report them and tell me about these actions.

      The next chapter is the prologue and beginning of the tall of our three protagonists, but might need to be broken up depending on their length or how I decide to do so. Each pov if it's done by chapter will be at the top with the chapter and title, if not will be in each section. This will be complex storyline, mainly with the characters, and possibly will not follow canon to a T, somewhat or not at all. Yes this is very thought out, so please bare with me, and before anyone asks this is my second account because I lost my first one and all of my work done on it. If need ask and I'll tell you the account, despite it being horribly glitched out.

    Remember to enjoy life, take your time, relax and ride the flow of the story. Never rush, because then you will lose details that could be important.

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