Chapter 1: Once In a Lifetime

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May 2025

The Dream's tour bus pulled up to the side of the Los Angeles city streets. Inside were Lisa and her four friends, desperately ecstatic to be back home after the long Sorry Ghost tour. As the bus came to a halt, a palpable sense of relief washed over them.

Lisa felt a mix of exhaustion and anticipation, comforted by the familiar sights and sounds of home. Chamile's heart fluttered with excitement, grateful to be back in the city she loved. Dara's eyes sparkled with renewed energy, her mind buzzing with endless possibilities. Sherie, with a sigh of satisfaction, felt a wave of creative inspiration wash over her. Ludermary, brimming with enthusiasm, couldn't wait to reconnect with her roots and dive back into the vibrant pulse of Los Angeles.

The girls stepped off the tour bus, one by one. Ludermary was first, eagerly hopping down to help secure their belongings.

Dara stretched her arms wide and took a deep breath, exclaiming, "I have never been more happy to be home!"

Chamile immediately rushed forward, spotting her fiancé, Dinah, waiting with open arms. They embraced tightly, their happiness palpable.

Sherie, clutching her sketchbook, smiled contentedly, excited to start a fashionable new project alongside her music endeavors.

Lisa was the last to step off the bus, her headphones hanging around her neck and her phone in hand. She looked to the left and saw Valarie waiting with a warm smile.

Distracted by her excitement, Lisa, as clumsy as ever, missed the last step and stumbled to the ground. Valarie rushed forward, concern and amusement mingling in her expression. "Are you okay?" she asked, helping the older girl to her feet. Lisa laughed, brushing off the dirt.

"Yeah, just a little too eager to get home." She glanced at Valarie, her heart swelling with affection despite the fall.

Valarie reached out, brushing a strand of hair from Lisa's face. "You and your clumsiness," she said softly, her eyes twinkling with affection. "I've missed it." She pulled Lisa into a gentle hug. "Welcome home."

Afterwards, Lisa and her friends trudged wearily into the beach house. They collapsed onto the couch with audible sighs, clearly exhausted from their recent tour. Opening up for the band Sorry Ghosts had been exhilarating but demanding, leaving them drained yet fulfilled.

"I can't believe we're finally back. That tour was intense!" Lisa says, speaking up first.

Chamile picks up her head to reply, as she was lying flat on her stomach. "Tell me about it. My feet feel like they're still on stage."

The girls collectively laugh. Each girl could still feel the ache on the heels of their feet's, coming from the number of hours they had to stand up from the numerous shows that they endured.

"But hey, opening for Sorry Ghosts was incredible! Did you all hear the crowd in Chicago?" Dara replies.

The girls nod their heads, as Sherie replies, "They were wild! I think that's the loudest crowd we've ever played to."

"I'm just glad we're home now." Ludermary says. The girl really did love touring, but was happy to have some relaxation time. She continued, "No more cramped space on the bus and late-night drives."

"Agreed." Lisa hums. "Now we can relax and enjoy some downtime together."

"Maybe we could even hit the beach tomorrow?" Chamile recommends. Dara kicks her feet excitedly. "Sounds perfect. We deserve it after rocking out night after night!"

"Definitely." Sherie agrees. Just then, her stomach starts to rumble. "But first, can we order some food? I'm starving."

The girls laugh and chat about what they wanted to order for lunch, excited and relieved to be home.

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