Chapter 3: Til the World Ends

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(July 24, 2025)

It had been a couple of days since Sherie's fashion show, and she was still basking in the success of that unforgettable night. Before she left for Denny's with her friends, a moment had occurred that would change her career trajectory.


As Sherie was gathering her things backstage, she felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned to find herself face-to-face with none other than Emilia Laurent, a renowned fashion designer known for her avant-garde collections and influential presence in the fashion world.

"Sherie Daniels?" Emilia greeted, her eyes sparkling with genuine admiration. "I just wanted to tell you personally how impressed I am with your show tonight. Your designs are fresh, innovative, and exactly what the fashion world needs right now."

Sherie's heart raced with excitement and disbelief. "Thank you so much, Ms. Laurent. That means the world to me, especially coming from you."

Emilia smiled warmly. "Please, call me Emilia. I don't usually do this, but I was wondering if you'd be interested in a collaboration. I think our styles would complement each other beautifully, and I'd love to co-create on my next project with you."

Sherie's eyes widened in astonishment. "Are you serious? I would be honored! This is a dream come true."

Emilia extended her hand, sealing their newfound partnership with a firm handshake. "Let's set up a meeting next week to discuss ideas. I'm looking forward to working with you, Sherie."

As Emilia walked away, Sherie stood there for a moment, absorbing the magnitude of what had just happened. A renowned fashion designer wanted to collaborate with her. It was a validation of all her hard work and creativity, and she couldn't wait to get started on this new adventure.

Later, at Denny's, Sherie shared the incredible news with her friends, who celebrated with her, toasting to her bright future and the exciting projects ahead.

(End of flashback)

Sherie woke up in the morning, the sun filtering through her curtains, signaling the start of another busy day. She felt a renewed sense of purpose and excitement after the success of her fashion show and the incredible opportunity with Emilia Laurent.

After a quick breakfast and a glance through her emails, Sherie prepared herself for the day's agenda. She had an important meeting with Lisa, Dara, Chamile, and Ludermary at Mr. Beese's office at the record label. They needed to discuss plans for The Dream's next era, and Sherie was eager to dive into the creative process with her bandmates.

Dressed in a chic yet comfortable outfit, Sherie grabbed her bag and headed out the door. The drive to the record label was filled with thoughts of new songs, concepts, and how they could elevate their music to the next level.

Arriving at the record label, she took a deep breath before entering the building. She greeted the receptionist and made her way to Mr. Beese's office, where her friends were already gathered.

"Morning, everyone!" Sherie greeted as she walked in, a bright smile on her face.

"Hey, Sherie!" Lisa replied, returning the smile. "Ready to get started?"

"Absolutely," Sherie said, taking a seat. "I've got some great ideas brewing."

Mr. Beese, the record label executive, entered the room and took his seat at the head of the table. "Good morning, ladies. Let's get down to business. We need to outline our strategy for The Dream's next era, and I'm excited to hear your thoughts."

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