Chapter 1: Mermaids

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(If the translations are wrong sue Google not me 🤠)

{ ~ CONTEXT: Mermaids were the first species on Pluto, and were the dominant sea creature. They later were classified as the Delamers (De la mers means of the sea in French). They were great swimmers, hunters, harnessed Wasser magic and were predominantly Wasser types (Wasser means water in German). They were able to manipulate water to some extent, however the older, more trained mermaids were able to create tsunamis, tides, change pH levels in the sea and were the highest class of the species. They in a military-like-position considering they used their powers for warfare against the other kingdoms. ~ }

(Now, for the actual plot)

The mermaid dynasty was a mess. The princess, Aquaria, went missing, the kingdom was in shambles, and their borders were being attacked by two kingdoms. The monarchs, Mera and Hydres were left with no choice but to try for another child, as they desperately needed an heir to their throne. They tried for years as their kingdom declined but, there was nothing. Hydres thought of Mera as, perhaps unfertile, but little did he know, Mera was on birth control. To backtrack, Mera was forced into an arranged marriage with Hydres she was 14 (Mermaids had quite similar life spans to humans, so it was as messed up in their kingdom as it would be on Earth in the modern world). She was then impregnated at just 15. She wasn't mentally ready for her child, nor was she physically prepared for the extreme effects of pregnancy. Hydres was quite a toxic lover, as he had cheated on Mera with 5 mistresses, two of which had been from neighboring kingdoms, ending up impregnated with hybrids which were looked at as improper and a mistake. Mera however, was to cover up and save herself for her unloyal merspouse, so she lived a restricted and miserable life. When she gave birth to Aquaria, the postpartum depression caused her to feel insecure about her body and suicidal about the responsibilities she would have to fulfill for the rest of her life. She took birth control to prevent the pregnancy and its awful postpartum effects. However, as her depression worsened, she confided in her merbrother in law, Oceario, and got pregnant. Hydres was furious, and demanded an abortion. Mera was devastated, although she dreaded the pregnancy, she ended up losing her child.

All of the people that died before they served their main purpose had their soul sent to The H.U.B. (House of Unfortunate souls Broken). The soul of the child of Mera and Oceario was sent to the H.U.B., its soul was preserved by scientists of all the four kingdoms. The scientists embarked on a mission given by the Lord to fuse souls together to make a "human" as he called it. However, the souls could only be from the children of the royal families. This human was to live along with others on Earth, yet still have some magical abilities.

As the mermaid kingdom rebuilt itself off of a new import of trade, we move along to our next kingdom, the Fairy Kingdom.

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