3 1 0

I finally understand. I'm sorry for bring pain to you."

She fell down to her knees and looked at her hands,

she looked up to the man in dark armor, the outside

thundered with rage and the trees shook with justice.

The man held out a hand for the woman in a light

green robe with gold lines at the edges with a fox mask,

and said "Serein. Join me, or suffer.". The woman

looked at the hand, and took it.


A man in his early late teens looked into the iron bar

window from inside his cell room, the quietness of

the jail made the chirping crickets stand out,

moon light reflected half of the room, and dust

swirling around the room.

The man look out from the side of his bed as a

warmth of a candle glimmers on his skin. The man

looks at his hands and thought 'well this is fun.' And

brought his hands up to feel the bandage on his head.

The man sighed, and blew out the candle and went to


That was 15 years ago.

But now we are currently in the present.


A late-teen boy sits in a chair with his hands behind

him, thinking of how to get out of the situation, he

looks up to see a man with 10 tentacles behind his back.

The man says "Hello, I presume that you have

heard of me,"

"I don't know you, I haven't seen you at all in my

life!" The boy replied coldly in fear,

"Interesting, My name is..." and whispered his

name in the boy's ear, "Sorry, I don't wan't anybody

listening in. It's not like I'm breaking a forth wall.

Anyways, you shall be my personal assistant.

Otherwise doomed things will happen, and you cannot

connect with the outside world, if you do, then you

shall be banned of it. Understand?"

The boy looked at him, but he had no other choice

but accepting the offer. The man named... -I rather not

tell. - grinned, and commanded the guards to untie him.

AN EYE FOR A LEG.Where stories live. Discover now