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'      Silver was just checking in online with his online best friend, Harper. The two were chatting each other for a while, and Silver was talking a lot about him moving to Harper's school. Even if the two were online best friends, they live in the same country. Since Silver just moved in the country after horrible incidents and accidents at his old school. So he moved to Harper's country to restart his social life.      '

'      They were both in a call together, talking a lot. It was around 11 pm that time, while their families were asleep. So the two decided to go crazy and go on an online call. Especially with the fact that Silver will be having first day tomorrow. He was excited to finally see his online best friend for the first time, in real life. Especially after all the accidents and incidents at his old school.      '

  "Can't wait to see you dude!" Harper said gladly.

  "Me too! But where can we meet at inside the school?" Silver asked.

  "Perhaps meet me at the entrance gate! That's where I always go before school starts anyway." Harper said laughing.

  "Haha, great idea! It's also crazy that we're calling in the middle of night time. And it's almost midnight hours as well." Silver said sarcastically.

  "Haha, very funny Silver." Harper said.

  "Heheh! Anyways, I'll see you tomorrow Harper." Silver said.

  "Sleep well Silver, don't let the bed bugs bite!" Harper said as he hung up.

'      Silver then decided to go to bed, feeling excited to meet his online best friend. However, he also felt nervous at the same time. Normally when it comes to the people Silver meets online, he doesn't trust majority of them. Due to the fact he knows there are people two times older than him. Although he's barely met a single person like that.      '

'      However, his friendship with Harper was different. They were both the same age, and seen each other only once. It was just this year that they'll be seeing each other a lot at school. Though, Harper sometimes tells stories about the horrors of his school to Silver. Yet the two didn't want to worry too much, especially since they're about to meet each other.      '

'      He was also worried that some people in his school might not like him. Even with the fact that some students may not like him. Due to several accidents and problems between him and his friends, he's always had low self-esteem. He was a bit happy he moved countries and schools. However he still felt guilty for past experiences. Silver went to sleep afterwards after overthinking a lot.      '

  "Hope school goes well tomorrow.." Silver thought.

12 AM: Harper's Room

'      As for Harper, he still wasn't asleep, even at this late hour. He was actually making a paper craft out of some colored paper he got from his older sister, Sierra. He even borrowed some crayons from his little sister, Zara. The paper craft was specifically for his soon to be actual best friend, Silver. As soon as Harper was about to glue the paper craft together, a letter fell down.      '

  "Oh, I'll get it." Harper said.

'      When Harper got the letter, it was apparently from one of his school friends. Harper's had a few friends from school that he suddenly befriended. Since Harper was an honor student in his level, he was friends with many people. He was also in a band, but the band practices and studies lowered his self esteem. Harper sighed as he was a bit scared to meet Silver.      '

  "Hopefully nothing goes wrong.." Harper sighed as he read the letter quickly.

'      The letter was from his band mate also known to be his crush, Cyrus. Another student who's part of the band, and is also an honor student. However, the two were lacking a bit on their studies. Yet, they still succeeded on their exams, and managed time for band sessions as well. The letter was about another band meeting with him and Raizen. Plus with a fact the 3 were also looking for another person to include in the band.      '

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