Chapter 6 - The Morning Routine

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As the dawn of a new day broke, I found myself brimming with a mixture of excitement and trepidation. Today marked the beginning of my journey shadowing Zachary, and I couldn't help but wonder what the day had in store for me. Arriving at the hospital with a renewed sense of purpose, I made my way to the nursing station where we will begin the morning roll call. As my eyes scanned the room for Zachary, he was conspicuously absent. I couldn't help but wonder if he had misled me about his morning shift duty. Just as my thoughts began to wander, Adam passed by and our eyes briefly met.

"Are you shadowing Shirley today?" Adam's question snapped me out of my thoughts.

I hesitated for a moment before replying, "I'm not sure. Zachary mentioned I'd be shadowing him today."

Adam offered a brief nod before departing without further explanation. Frustration gnawed at me. "What's going on in this ward? Why does everyone seem so distant?" I wondered silently. The morning roll call for the nurses started promptly at 7 a.m. and ended within minutes, leaving me with unanswered questions lingering in the air.

As I approached the same patient cubicle as the day before, I noticed Zachary entering the ward. "I guess he was just running late. Thank goodness, I nearly jumped to conclusions and cursed him for thinking he'd actually ditch me today," I muttered quietly to myself.

As I made my rounds, exchanging morning greetings with the patients, I couldn't help but feel the chill of the early air seeping through the window. Enviously, I thought about how cozy it must be for them, still nestled warmly under their blankets. Soon, Zachary joined me in the cubicle after getting the handover report from the night shift nurse.

"Adam, could you assist her with some junior tasks today? I need to start administering the morning medications," Zachary directed Adam.

His words confirmed that I was indeed the one Zachary was referring to. There was no one else in this male-dominated cubicle besides me. Adam approached me, his demeanor reserved, and without much preamble, gestured for me to follow him. Like a duckling following its mother, I trailed after him without question. Adam's demeanor seemed distant, giving off an air that discouraged conversation. Despite my hesitation to initiate any dialogue with him, I found myself guided swiftly through the morning routine, his competence evident as he patiently taught me each step from scratch.

"Have you sponged a patient before?" Adam's question broke the silence.

"Um, sort of, I did it yesterday," I replied uncertainly.

Zachary interjected with his authoritative tone, "You can go ahead and sponge with Adam. You still need to sharpen your basic nursing duties."

I glanced at Adam and nodded, acknowledging Zachary's point but feeling slightly taken aback by his delivery. Did he really have to be so blunt? I couldn't help but wonder.

Adam and I began sponging one of our patients in silence. Following Adam's lead, I observed his movements with a mixture of admiration and apprehension. His proficiency in the tasks at hand was evident, a stark contrast to my own fumbling attempts to keep pace. With each silent interaction, I felt the weight of my inexperience pressing down on me, suffocating me with self-doubt. The silence between us grew deafening, echoing the unease I felt in the pit of my stomach. Memories of yesterday's tumultuous encounter with a combative patient flooded my mind, casting a shadow over today's proceedings.

Yet, despite the discomfort that lingered between us, I couldn't help but marvel at Adam's skill and efficiency. His silent guidance, though unspoken, spoke volumes about his experience and expertise in this environment. As we reached the end of the task, I realized I needed a towel. Before I could vocalize my need, Adam handed it to me. I was momentarily startled—did he just read my mind? Glancing at him, I found him focused on his own task, his hands busy. Grateful for his initiative, I quietly thanked him, and we continued dressing the patient. It gradually dawned on me that Adam's proficiency stemmed from his role as a Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) in the ward. That explained why he was so adept at his duties.

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