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Say hello to the author! 

(!Pervent thoughts ahead!)

(Time skips to reccess)

(Jagjeet's pov)

Where is she? Where is she? There she is! Oh! That small body, those silky hair, that small waist, wants me to hug her and squeeze her in my arms. Before I knew anything I had pinned her on the wall. My gaze falls on small face. Those big eyes, a small nose, those two plump lips and those chubby cheeks wants me to kiss her all over her face. My eyes were roaming in her body when my gaze fell on her chest. Fuck! Those big boobs. I wonder if I can holds one completely in my hand or my hands will be small compared to them.

I was distracted by her body. Until she asked me what was I doing.

I qickly composed myself.

"Tell me who was that boy?" I said 


Ohh why is she so cute? The way her lips part while speaking. It's gonna kill me.

"Don't act innocent.  The boy you were walking with yesterday." I growled.

"Stop bullying her you brat!" Someone said behind me.

I turned back to see who was it. Ugh that brastard. Yesterday Gauri was with him. I'm so jealous. I know I know I look like I'm in love with her. Yeah I am. I used to bully her since high school and I can't change that image of mine, can I?

"Who is he?" I shout at her.

"Ohh him? He is Maanas. My besto friendo." She said. Her voice carrying affection and care for him. But it never did for me.

She stepped forward and gave him a high five. 

"How are you doing?" She asked him.

"Good,  what about you?" He asked her.


Before she can say further I wrapped my arm around her waist and pulled her close.

"Are you trying to steal my girl?" I said.

She stepped on my foot and I growled. 

"You are nothing more than a bully to me."

Hope y'all will like it.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25 ⏰

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