91~ Shattered lie

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Author's POV

"Bhai!!!!" The voice reached her ears, and she froze in his arms as numerous thoughts invaded her mind about the person standing behind her.

Her grip on the knife automatically loosened, causing it to fall from her clutches. He lifted his eyes to see behind her, and a deadly smile tugged at his lips, making her breathe heavily.

Jade rushed inside just after Kaustubh, his jaw broken and bleeding, only to see his Boss smiling at his brother.

Kalp signaled Jade with his eyes not to do anything, and he stood there steadily with an emotionless face despite the pain and anguish.

Kaustubh's eyes met his brother's mocking gaze and then traveled to the girl sitting in his brother's arms, her back against his front, in an almost compromising position, with deep intimacy in their lower regions. Tears welled up in his eyes.

He didn't need any validation to know her identity. He could forget everyone but not her.

"You lied to me?" he mumbled, unable to believe he had lived in an illusion for four fucking years.

He was fed up with the big, fat lie that he had never even tried to cross-check, blindly believing everything.

He was told she ditched his brother without caring about their newborn daughter and ran away from him.

But why didn't he believe the voice his heart? That She could never do such a thing. Maybe the jealousy of not being her first choice blinded him to the extent that he almost began hating her, isolating himself from her thoughts.

But seeing her almost half-naked in his brother's arms, he was sure he didn't need any more proof. Their state churned his heart with unbearable pain.

He wished she wasn't forced into that condition. He wished she was happy with his brother, not trapped in any dirty scheme. But knowing his brother as well as he did, he knew he was way too late.

Deep within his heart, he understood that every wish of his was about to shatter with the realization that his brother had played a sick game again, placing others' lives at stake, including his own.

Still, he clung to the hope of waking up from this horrible nightmare and breathing freely in the open air.

"Is it you, Adhisha?" he asked, staring straight into his brother's cold eyes for the very first time, eyes that were slowly changing their shade.

He knew what he was doing and the potential consequences—perhaps even his death—but now everything was beyond his control, revealing the horrible reality of the lies woven around him.

"Is it really you, Adhisha?" he asked again, holding his breath and wishing for nothing more than to turn this truth into a bad dream.

He didn't know why but he wanted the lie of her ditching and betraying his brother to get true.

He wished to be fooled by witnessing any other woman in his womanizing brother's arms rather than seeing her in such a condition, especially with his own elder brother.

His question reached her ears, and she leaned more against her husband, whispering in his ear with trembling lips, "I swear, Kalp, I won't even lift my eyelashes to look at him, but let me go. It's suffocating here."

In response, his hold brutally tightened on her waist while a beautiful smile adorned his lips.

He deliberately pulled her closer and placed his lips on the crook of her neck, replying in a hushed tone, "Why? I'm not finished yet. What you began, you need to end, darling. Or do you expect me to do that for you?"

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