ONE- mission

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I still remember. But not in detail. I still get nightmares, those are in details. They got so bad I stopped sleeping more than an hour a day. I've learned to live with it.

Today me, nat, and Steve all have a mission together. On a boat. I'm pretty sure that's the only reason I'm going. Water and all. Not even sure what made them think of me.

Me and nat pull up to the curb and see Steve and some other guy talking. The guy is skinny, but also buff-ish. And he's black. I didn't think Steve had any friends. Who is this guy?

Nat rolls down my window and looks at the two men. "Hey fellas," she says, "either one of you know where the Smithsonian is? I'm here to pick up a fossil."

I start to laugh then remember I'm old too. I turn and playfully glare at nat. "That's hilarious." Steve says sarcastically, walking up to the car.

The guy he was with looks into the window and nods at me and nat, "how you doing?" He asks. I give him a polite half wave and nat gives him a 'hey'.

"Can't run everywhere." Steve says with a small grin.

"No you can't."

Then nat speeds off.

Later me, nat and Steve are in a quinjet, getting a debrief from rumlow. That guy always gives me a bad feeling. Maybe that's just me.

"Target is a mobile satalite launch platform. The Lemurian star. They were setting up their last payload when pirates took them." Rumlow says, "93 minutes ago."

"Any demands?" Steve asks

"Billion and a half."

"Why so steep?"

Rumlow goes to answer, but I say it first. "Because dear brother, it's S.H.I.E.L.D.'s." I say and Steve looks at me and raises his eyebrows then nods, "so it's not off course, it's trespassing." He finishes my thought.

"I'm sure they have a good reason." Nat mumbles, still looking at the screen. "You know, I'm getting a little tired of being fury's janitor." Steve says with a sigh. I roll my eyes. Then I look at nat, I get that Shield saved her, Clint saved her, but still, she doesn't have to defend every little thing shield does.

"You wanna tell him that?" I challenge my older brother and he rolls his eyes. "Relax. It's not that complicated." Nat says.

"How many pirates?" Steve asks rumlow. "Twenty five. Top mercs led by this guy." Rumlow pulls up a file on the screen, "George Batroc. Ex-DGSG, action division. He's at the top of interpols red notice. Before the French demobilized him, he had 36 kill missions. This guys got a rep for maximum casualties."

"Oh. Great." I mutter.

"Hostages?" Steve asks.

"Oh," rumlow replies, "mostly techs. One officer, jasper sitwell. They're in the galley." Why is he acting like they don't matter? See, bad feeling.

"What's Sitwell doing on a launch ship?" Steve thinks out loud.

I've learned not to. Not that anyone would listen to me if I did.

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