Just the way you are

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Yo! The Name's Naruto Lite, and I'm here to bring you all a one-shot!

This is an idea that just came to me in the middle of the night, and I felt compelled to write a story out of it.

After all, as a writer, you never know when inspiration hits.

If you're here for my main story "Jellal Fernandes - The Heavenly Mage of UA", then I do apologize for being slow to update that.

I've posted all my saved drafts on that, and am now having to write each part out instead of of fixing grammar and sentences like I used to.

So, while it will be slower to update, I'm not abandoning the story or anything. Just give it time.

Aside from that, I do hope you enjoy this one-shot idea.

You don't know this about me, but I love rare pairings. Something you don't see very often.

And in RWBY, Ninjas of Love has to be my favorite Rare pair.

Ren and Blake have so much in common I feel that, if you forget about the events of Canon for a moment, and put these two in a situation where they can become close, that something can come of it.

That is, if you take away Nora in this situation, which I did. Somewhat. You'll understand as you read the story.

If you want to see more rare pair one-shots like this, feel free to let me know! It doesn't have to be about just RWBY.

I like doing these kinds of one-shots. It allows me to get my creative juices flowing and gives me a break from my main story so that I don't get burnt out.

But if you are here from my main story, the next part is bound to be out within the next day or two, depending on if Wattpad decides to work with me.

Either way, I don't have anything else to say, so let's jump right into this one-shot!


Neither of them meant for this to happen.

It was just a simple get-together. The two of them at the public library reading a book and giving their thoughts on it.

It was supposed to be a way for the more reserved members of teams RWBY and JNPR to get away from the chaos that is their teams.

Between having Nora and Yang on their teams, it was a way to have some peace and quiet. Some time to themselves, so to say.

Neither of them planned on this sudden friendship of theirs to evolve into something more.

But Ren and Blake would admit later on down the line that it was the greatest decision of their lives.

Would you love me if I were a Faunus? [Ninjas Of Love One-shot]Where stories live. Discover now