1. unexpected happenings

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🙋Hello everyone, bezope1 here with a new story but it will be around 10 chapters. Well, here we go😆

Note this was just after Ash beat Dransa 


Lumiose airport

3rd person's POV

"I'm so excited about giving Ash a surprise visit Today" Serena said to herself while boarding the plane. She had just come back from Hoen and saw Ash's match against Dransa. 

time skip 2 hrs.


"Wow I'm finally in Kanto" Serena said as she departed from the plane after a few minutes she reaches Professor Ceris's Lab then she walks in only to be runed over by two boys from behind then one of the boys notices her "Serena?!" the boy Asks surprised as he helps her up "Ash!" Serena yells happily "Oh, sorry by the way I believe you know my friend Goh over there" Ash says "Um... why is he sulking" Serena asks "he tried to catch a Chespin and failed, multiple times" Ash explains "I knew I should've gone with a curve ball not sneaking from behind" Goh whined from behind then he looks up "wait Serena, Ash what's she doing here Ash is there something you're not telling me?" Goh says "No! she just came for a visit" Ash says and blushes a little and Serena notices 'what!? Ash Ketchum the densest person in the whole world blushing?' she thought. "Well Serena where are you going to stay" Ash asks, "Well I don't know maybe a Pokémon center?" she replies then Chloe returns from school "Serena? what are you doing here" then they explain up to the part about where she would stay "Well, you could stay at my house for tonight since it's getting late" Chloe says then it was all settled.

Time skip

professor Ceris's house

Chloe's room

"Well Serena here's the spare bed" Choe says "thanks very much" Serena says

"Chloe, can I ask you something" Serena asks.


"Do you think Ash is dense"

"kinda, a girl did flirt with him once, but he took it as a complement"

"That happened a lot while I traveled with him, but today something strange happened"

"What was it"

"I saw him blush when Goh said, 'wait Serena Ash what's she doing here Ash is there something you're not telling me?' or something like that?"

"Well, people change "

"But I don't think Ash does very much. You see, I met Ash at Summer camp when we were 7. He was my only friend back then but after the end of camp I had to move back to Kalos. But then about 1 and a half years ago I met him again and the only difference was that he was More selfless than before. He jumped off prism tower to save Pikachu from falling after he calmed a raging garchomp, when he could've asked the Garchomp for help"

"Well, Ash is Ash I suppose"

And with that they went to bed

The next day when Serena and the others were having lunch at the extension of the lab a portal opened up sucking them in with only some of their Pokémon except Ash and Serena who had all their Pokémon with them and Chloe, who only had an Evee leaving Goh with only Cinderace, Intellion and grookey

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