3. When power & Power clash

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Okay I'm sorry for not updating. I was really busy over the last weekend. But well, here's the next chapter.


"Okay let me explain guys" Ash started "This is another world but with no Pokémon but there are creatures who look like Pokémon but don't have powers except birds who can fly, so Goh don't try and catch them. Now, how do I know this, well it's because I am the aura guardian and prince of Rota" Ash's friends were numb but that explains why he is Ash, you know meeting every legendary Pokémon, dying multiple times and the rest. Ash explained that they are disguised as transfer students from Japan and in 2 hours they'd have to get to the school.

He also said that they can't show their Pokémon at all unless needed (Pikachu will be teleported back from time to time). Then he said that there are superheroes who protect the city from a villain called the monarch.

So, 2 hours Later they got to the school. "Now can you all introduce yourselves" The teacher said to the four "Hi, I'm Goh from Tokyo in Japan" "Hello I'm Chloe Cerise from Akita in Japan" "Nice to meet you I'm Serena Yvonne Also from Akita" "Hi I'm Ash Ketchum from Kanto"(It's a real place in Japan).

"Marinette t-that's the b-boy" Tikki whispered "I'll investigate after school" She replied but Tikki was hearing 'No no no it's not nice to make people look bad, especially on their first day'.

Then after school where the gang would stay have been arranged

Goh- Adrien's house 

Chloe C. (cerise)- Chloe B.'s (Bourgeois) house

Serena- Alya's house

Ash- Marinette's house.

The gang got familiar with their classmates and roommates-Ish.

With Ash:

Marinette's house

"Ash, can you keep Marinette company as she has been feeling lonely these days" Marinette's mom said "Sure" Ash says then heads to Marinette's room.

He opens the door to her room Then Marinette quickly hides something. "There's no use hiding it Marinette I can read your mind Ladybug" Ash says and his eyes turn blue Marinette is Shocked

"How did you know" she said, "I said it before maybe that's the reason or maybe it's because I could sense Tikki from my own dimension" He replies.

"Tikki spots on" she says then transforms to ladybug "then you leave me no choice then" Ash says then changes form and teleport them to the top of the Eiffel tower 

"Tikki spots on" she says then transforms to ladybug "then you leave me no choice then" Ash says then changes form and teleport them to the top of the Eiffel tower 

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Then he raises his hand "Pikachu I choose you"

Then Pikachu appears "Let's Go!!!"

Then Pikachu transforms then Laby bug was in trouble

Then Pikachu transforms then Laby bug was in trouble

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