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"Aight, yeah, thanks. Imma get that money to you tonight." Armando turned to the hospital window to see Mike hand up the phone. When he walked back into his room, he took off the handcuffs that were chained to the bars of his bed and his left hand. "What's this?" Armando asked. "You owe me 1.3 million dollars," Mike said, checking his watch and sliding something onto Armando's ankle. "Huh?" when Armando looked down he scoffed. He was now officially on parole, AKA house arrest. "You leave my house in the next 2 years I can't help you with whatever bullshit you get into," Mike said raising his sunglasses. Just then, Marcus burst into the room with balloons and a pack of cupcakes. "Ay look who's finally up?" Armando buried his face into his hands. His family was fucking crazy.


The embarrassment wasn't only for Armando. When they dropped Lucius off on his last day of middle school, Armando pointed out Elená to Marcus and Mike. "Oh shit!" Marcus exclaimed. "My great-nephew went and got himself a black girlfriend." Lucius rolled his eyes. "Man, you better tell that girl you're moving to Florida."

"Yeah don't text her that shit tell her right now," Lucius muttered a swear under his breath and approached Elená. "Adivina quién se está volviendo viral," Elená teased, showing Lucius the video of him jumping off the balcony to catch Zway-Lo. Lucius shrugged and shook his head. "Sabes que me voy ¿no?" he asked as they walked. "Lo sé, es una pena que ni siquiera pude besarte." Lucius froze at her boldness. "Puedes besarme ahora." Elená looked around before quickly pecking him on the lips. "Ooh!" Mike and Marcus yelled from the car. Armando reached over and honked the horn. "¡No besos! ¡ir a clase! ¡No tenemos todo el día!" Lucius rolled his eyes once more and walked inside with Elená. "You gotta let him be a kid, man," Marcus told Armando. "When I was his age I was already-" Mike held his hand out to stop him. "No! No." Armando squeezed the skin in between his brows. He couldn't beilived he was stuck with them forever.

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