Day four

231 13 0

June 13, 1347

Today I went outside for the first time since the ninth. My food supply was running low, and though I did not want to see anything outside of my home, I needed to buy food to eat. It appears that many more people have caught the plague, as it is now being called. I could hear their wails from their homes, and the screams joined the choir of nightmares living inside my head. However, even though many were dying, there were still some trying to continue business as usual. Therefore, the marketplace where food was sold was still open, even though crops were scarce due to lack of workers. I suppose the lack of workers would be due to their deaths. I was at the market, purchasing my last item, when I was coughed on. I did not see the person that coughed, because they were passing by behind me, but I pray that he did not make me ill. I hurried back to my house, and that is where I have been ever since. People have finally stopped knocking on my door, asking for help. I can finally be alone with my thoughts, and the pained voices of the dying.

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