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[ prologue, deal with god ]

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[ prologue, deal with god ]

The room Visenya had once used to practice magic within the Red Keep, once abandoned and long forgotten, had come alive after centuries of disuse when warring factions of House Targaryen were brought together by Forces that ruled above all humans.

Unfortunately, the reunion was anything but a merry event, as it only exacerbated the grief of many of its participants.

Among the most anguished of those present was a woman dressed in black. While no one could deny her beauty nor overlook the authority she radiated, there was a tragic air about this figure; her once vibrant and joyful eyes now housed nothing but heartbreak and rage, her usually kind features had grown stoic, and leftover tears stained her porcelain skin.

Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen, a woman whose life had recently been riddled with losses, felt as if she were drowning on dry land. The sounds surrounding her were muffled. A profound sense of anxiety spread throughout her body and turned even her lips numb. Her chest constricted painfully each time she breathed, her vision spotting whenever she blinked.

While a logical part of her knew that Balerion hadn't lied, she still didn't want to accept that life had been so cruel to take Jacaerys from her when she'd just lost Lucerys and Visenya. Deep down, she'd known that her brave boy had been lost to her once she couldn't find him when they arrived. Still, just like any other mother, she'd clung to denial until the very last second, until the words she dreaded left the God's mouth, and then she crumbled.

She hadn't cared about the presence of her enemies because right then, nothing made sense to Rhaenyra, and everything ceased to matter altogether. Having been robbed of the chance to properly mourn her sweet girl before she was brought to this hidden chamber, she'd cried for all the children who were forever lost to her.

Her real family had mourned with her, each processing the news in their own way.

Meanwhile, Daemon and Rhaenys had been steadfast in their support. She knew her husband was doing his best to stay strong for her, yet silently struggled to cope with the mounting heartache that came from losing another child. As for Rhaenys, the two now shared a deep understanding borne out of losing their children so close to one another ( she'll forever be thankful to the woman for preventing her from surrendering herself entirely to grief and anger by anchoring her to the present ).

Eventually, after a long stretch of silence and hushed conversations, Balerion approached them again, his gaze focusing on Rhaenyra as he began to address them. "I'm sure you're all wondering why you were brought here, and I believe it's time for you to know the truth regarding Princess Lucerys' death."

The room was suddenly plunged into a deafening silence, the Valyrian God's words having captured the attention of all its occupants.

Rhaenyra didn't think the pain she felt due to the loss of her children could worsen. Still, the agony Balerion's tale ignited within her proved her wrong.

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