Chapter 3

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I don't remember much of meeting Ares. I remember the pained look in his eyes when I called him a murderer. I remember how quickly his wolf took over when I talked back which means I am mated to a very strong alpha male. That would normally be something to be happy about; something to be celebrated, but for me, it's the worst possible outcome.

My head is pounding–it feels like I was run over by dozens of bulls; a constant thump in my head from the beat of my own heart. I try to shift my body, hiding my pained head from the world around me, but I am locked in by a warm heavy blanket. It's so comforting I can't help my snuggle into it, and let its warmth make me feel at peace. I haven't had this good of a sleep since my parents died. In foster care I always felt like I had to watch my back amongst the other kids, and in college I would get nightmares of the times I wasn't able to stop them as a child.

After a deep cuddle into the blanket, I decide it's best to get up and sort out my day – goddess knows I will have to be moving after last night's events. I'm going to have to change my name and move west; a new start perhaps. As I try to yank my body away, a strong pair of arms clamp around my body, holding me tightly. It takes me a moment to realize that the warm blanket is a beast of a man holding me close to his chest, his chin and nose resting on the top of my head.

I decided to do the only logical thing: panic. I begin squirming hoping his grasp will lighten and I will be able to weasel my way out, but his hold only strengthens. I could give him a shove with my elbow or a kick with my knee, but that will only leave me in more trouble than I feel I am already in, so I continue to wiggle.

"Be still." The man says, his voice groggy and slightly cracked. I stop moving at his command, or rather because of the calming sound of his voice on both myself and my wolf. He tries to tug me closer to him, even though I am pretty sure there is no closer we can be. He nuzzles his head into my hair taking deep breaths, and it's then that I feel a deep rumbling of this man's chest. This large man who holds me captive in his arms purring like a pup in love. I can't help but let a soft giggle leave my lips and as soon as I do the body stiffens, then almost immediately softens.

"As much as I love holding you, I cannot do it knowing you hate me." the man rumbles as his arms unwind from my body, pulling back to look into my eyes. As he pulls away I am met with the most gorgeous green eyes I have ever seen. There are a few strands of brown twirled in its depth and I almost feel like I am back in the forest running on four paws. They pull me into a deep trance, dragging me along paths in the everglades and forests in appalachia. My wolf yips at the eyes, and even though I have yet to search the rest of this man's face, I can't help but feel safe with him.

His eyes squint a little almost like he is deep in thought. About me? It sends a wave of warmth towards my stomach and without thinking I wrap my arm around the man's neck and pull his lips to mine, taking him in a hungry kiss. Our lips fight for dominance: teeth, lips, and tongues clashing. This kiss goes beyond anything I have ever felt before. Sure I have kissed my fair share of men, but the way this man's lips dance with mine make me feel warmer in places I have never felt before. I feel my body alight with tingles as his tongue finally wins our war and slips into my mouth, exploring. I drag my finger through the man's hair and grip it, giving it a slight pull back. The man growls in approval which gives me just enough time to plunge my tongue into his mouth. I feel like I am losing my breath with the passion of this kiss and just when I think I am about to die, the man pulls back, us both taking in deep breaths.

It's then that I finally get a good look at the man's face and realize it's my mate, Ares. The blood seems to drain from my face in fear, then get replaced in anger and realization. He is caught off guard as I toss him off of me and slip out of bed, wobbling a little trying to gain my balance.

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