Chapter 7

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"We have a problem."

That's the first thing I hear as I enter the kitchen. Dominic and David are standing around the kitchen counter, both with cups of coffee in their hands. There is a pensive look in both of their eyes, and I know that it's time for me to put my alpha hat back on—enough of this mate shit.

"What's up?" I ask as I grab a mug and pour myself a cup of coffee. I take a gulp, liking how it burns my mouth and throat.

"There was an attack last night." Dominic says, worry lacing his tone.

I freeze, my hand clutching the mug so hard I'm surprised it didn't shatter in my hands. Someone attacked my pack? We usually had a few rogue or lone wolf problems, but never an organized attack–as the strongest pack in the United States, no one dared to attack us.

"Anyone captured?" I ask.

"All killed on sight." Dominic replies.


Dominic looks to David who clears his throat and stands up straight. "Two dead."

I curse underneath my breath. Two wolves is two too many. I can't help but blame myself for this; while I was here playing house with my mate, my wolves were fighting for their lives. I drag my hands through my hair trying to think through all my options. I know we were hoping to have one more day to spend here to come up with a plan when we return with Athena, but this complicates things. I can't sacrifice my pack– that's one thing I will not compromise on.

Is taking her into danger a good idea though? Should I leave her here to hide until this attack is dealt with, and until we have a more defined backstory for Athena to hide her background?

"Ok. We need to head back today. Dominic, where are we with information on Athena for a possible background?" Coming up with a plan is the best we can do right now. Call me selfish, but I am not willing to leave Athena behind. I can only protect her if she is with me, and as my mate, I cannot be without her at arm's length.

Fuck. Convincing her is going to be hell.

"I better go check on the cars." David glances over at Dominic with a knowing look and heads out of the kitchen. Dominic waits until we hear the front door close before he clears his throat to begin.

"Ares, it's a lot." Dominic's voice trails off, and I can't help but growl. He knows something about my mate that he doesn't think I should know? We may be friends, but I am his alpha. Is he trying to protect me? Another thought pops into my head that makes my growl more animalistic and based on the way Dominic backs up I know my eyes have yellowed to my wolf's. Is he trying to protect her? My mate?


"Ok, ok Ares don't go all wolfie on me, I'm just saying read with caution, that's it." He hands me the file then walks out to join David outside. He left me alone for a reason and all of a sudden a rush of anxiety flows through me.

I decide to take a seat at the desk in my makeshift office. What could be in this file that has Dominic so spooked? I open the file and begin reading the report he had drawn up.

Athena Grace, only daughter of Melanie Grace and James Grace. Granddaughter of Helena Saden and Constantine Saden. Previous familial heritage nonexistent. No other familial relatives exist.

James's parentage traced back 10 generations to Steel City wolves, Constantine parentage traced back 7 generations to Crimson pack. Maternal line traced solely to Helena.

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