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There were many ways Jackie Howard and I were different. I think the most obvious one could be seen this morning, as I watched her meticulously placing out each piece of her outfit on her bed, checking that they went together and were pristine before changing.

I swear I don't know how she seems to think that the world moves at her pace, and how it doesn't bother her that while she might be well organized, she is in fact, very slow.

I, on the other hand, put on the first pair of boot cut jeans I saw, a green fitted tank top, my mom's necklace, and my usual pair of white converse.

I took my braids out, slathered on some concealer and lipgloss, then called it good before jogging downstairs. The second my foot touched the floor I immediately retracted it back up onto the step, hearing the wheels of Lee's skateboard coming from somewhere to my left.

"Lee, I hear that skateboard. That's gotta stay home." Said boy rolled into view as he cast his aunt a "seriously?" look. The redhead shrugged, taking no nonsense. Jordan could be heard calling for his mom in the midst of the chaotic scramble.

"If you ride it in school again you're gonna get a suspension." She warned.


"Nope, there are no more buts to be had" she ended the conversation, spotting me as Lee rode away on his skateboard.

" Ah, good morning Bella! How'd you sleep?" The mother asked in the rush of things.

" Fine, thanks. Wait is that-" I inquired once spotting the bowl of cereal in Issac's hands. I turned towards him and swiftly grabbed his next spoonful before he could eat it, doing so myself. After a few crunches my hunch was confirmed. My favorite cereal.

" There's more of that in this cupboard." Katherine said with a little laugh after watching the moment, her eyes on Issac's expression that I assume was a mix of startled and annoyed.

" Awesome, thank you. Do you mind if I just keep this?" I held up the spoon and finally made eye contact with the boy who stood next to me.

" Uh, yeah. No problem." He uttered as I nodded in appreciation before going around the clump of Walter's to the counter where Katherine had set a bowl out for me. I reached into the cupboard and pulled out the box of cereal, pouring some into my bowl before navigating to the fridge.

"Why are you laughing at me?" I caught a part of Katherine's conversation with her son, who tried to look back down at his book, fighting off a cheeky smile.

" I'm not." Alex insisted.

"You're gonna have to rewrite that history paper on modern warfare." His mom scolded, Jordan calling for his mother once again as I put the milk back, digging in to my cereal.

The whole scene was fascinating to behold. The boys (and Parker) standing around, eating, running in and out of the kitchen, talking, laughing, with Katherine in the midst of it all. I had a newfound respect for the mother. I certainly didn't think that I could do it.


"What is it Jordan?" The woman eventually answered with an exasperated tone.

" I can't find Rumple."

" Again?" She sighed.

" Yup." The tween said with a deflated look, hands in his pockets.

" Ok, everyone keep any eye out for Rumple." Katherine said while doing a brief spin, scanning the floor. My brows furrowed as I turned to Parker, who was to my left.

" Rumple?"

" Rumplesnakeskin." She answered after swallowing her bite of toast.

" A snake? Someone should warn Jackie, she's not exactly a fan." I said, raising my eyebrows as we laughed.

Self-Sabotage: Cole Walter & Issac Garcia Where stories live. Discover now