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" Bels I'm telling you, he'll leave us stranded if we're even the slightest bit late." Isaac insisted, leaning on my locker door.

I ignored the warmth in my cheeks as I stuck my head in my locker, rushing to put my books in my bag so we could catch our ride home. A moment later I slammed the door, accidentally almost crushing Issac's hand as he pulled it away with a yelp.

" Sorry. Let's go." I apologized before turning on heel. I heard him tut before he bumped his shoulder against mine. I pursed my lips together, holding in my laugh as we walked out the doors and over to the car, that was thankfully, still there.

" You're just on time. I didn't think you'd make it." Cole admitted, leaning out the window as I rolled my eyes at him.

" We wouldn't have if it weren't for me, you're welcome for the warning, by the way." Issac boasted as he opened the door for us.

" I'm stuck with you all day long, I would've just followed you out." I bit back, smacking his bicep before I pulled myself up into the car.

" Umm, ouch. That hurt. The hit, not so much." I stopped once I'd got to the back seat, turning to punch his arm in the same spot as before. He flinched but not far enough as the hit landed.

" There ya go Bella, putting some force behind it." Lee remarked from beside me, the boys snickering as Issac rubbed his arm with a frown.

" Wait, where's Jackie?" I asked as Issac plopped down beside me with a huff. The girl was not one of the billion people in the car. I cast a look back into the parking lot, scanning for the girl, but there was still no sight of her.

" Welp, she can find a ride." Cole decided, turning the key in the ignition as the suburban started up.

" Cole-"

"Nope." Cole cut his brother Alex off as he reached for a pair of sunglasses. I sat straight up, looking around at the boys for backup, but they all seemed to accept her fate. Cole's word was suddenly Gods word, I guess.

I moved my attention to the boy to my left. He checked the (nonexistent) watch on his wrist, nonchalantly, avoiding my gaze as best as he could. After a moment my burning stare won as he turned to me. I gave him my best pleading look, turning my head slightly as his dark eyes went back and forth between mine.

He sighed and I knew I had him. He turned to face the front of the car.

" Cole, it's her first day, you can spare her a few extra minutes." Issac reasoned while Cole instructed his brothers to role the other windows down. The blonde glanced up, bright green eyes appearing in the rearview mirror as he looked at Issac. I saw him start to shake his head before his eyes caught mine.

A beat passed between us.

" Fine. Three more minutes and then we're gone." I grinned and turned to Issac, missing the way Cole's eyes lingered on my smile.

" Thank you." I said earnestly. He brushed me off with a shrug.

" Yeah, whatever." He replied, but I could see him fighting off a little smile. I gave my own little satisfied smile, turning to face forward once again, hopping into a conversation between Nathan and Alex.

" Why has there never been a you and Kiley? You're together like, all the time, you like the same things... it makes sense." Nathan asked Alex, who's eyebrows shot up.

" Uh, because I've known her since we were little. She's like... Kiley." He defended in an almost humorous tone. I took this as my opportunity to butt in.

" So who's Kiley?" I asked, resting my hands and head on the seat back. Nathan smirked at me as Alex rolled his eyes.

" She's just my childhood best friend." He explained, emphasizing the "just" so we didn't miss it. My eyes carefully searched his face as he shifted under my gaze.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20 ⏰

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