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[name] and satoru, we're brought back to the school, talking to the principle

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[name] and satoru, we're brought back to the school, talking to the principle. they said something about a deal, when they had called them.

"i've called you here to make a deal, both of your coaches have agreed on this deal." the principal explained, while the two enemies glared at each other. just a few days ago, they saw each other at the grocery store, and now they were sitting in a office with the principal at their throats.

"we've decided, the only way your both going to get back on the basketball and fencing teams. are if you both start getting along."

"WHAT?!" the both of them exclaimed, even if it was a bit rude. the both of them couldn't contain it.

he sighed, before he brought his hands together and set them on his desk. "all the teams gather time to time to watch each others matches and do activities with one another. we can't have you both fighting every time there's a meet up. so your way to get back on the team is to start getting along."

"sorry, dude. but i hate this girls guts." satoru explained, he put his hands up in defeat.

the principal raised a brow when satoru called him 'dude', but didn't really care much to question or correct him. "the point is, just start getting along. or, no championship for you [last name], your one of the best fencers on the team. and you gojo... are our finest basketball players."

'yeah right.' [name] thought to herself, she was referring to satoru being the 'finest' basketball player. this guy shot his basketball into the wrong hoop.

"do you both agree to this deal?" the principal asked them, but it wasn't like they had much of a choice anyway. "this is both for you and the basketball and fencing teams. i cant have such behavior."

satoru sighed, he really didn't want too. "i agree." he said, giving up.

"i do too." [name] also in defeat.

the principal sighed, happy that they both agreed to the terms. "then let's start, start getting along, or no championship games or tournaments." he concluded.

and with that, the two students were outside of the principals office. still suspended, which meant they couldn't see any of their friends.

"this is such a pain..!" satoru exclaimed, he can't believe he agreed to getting along with her.

"you can say that again." she muttered.

what would they even do, to get along?

[name] got up, she scoffed as she began to leave the school. she walked down the halls, not even sparing him a glance. she continued to walk, when she felt a sudden grab on her wrist, making her turn around.

"what the hell?" she questioned, looking back to see satoru.

"did you seriously not just hear what the principal said?" he asked her, holding onto her wrist, while he looked at her seriously. "if we don't get along, no championships for us."

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