Chapter 5

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No caption cuz I went swimming and I'm lazy ASF rn


3rd POV:

That night for Brad was hell. He didn't get any sleep because he couldn't stop thinking about Max.

The way he smiled at him. They way he always cares about people, no matter who or what they've done. He especially thought about the way he walked.

It put Brad in a trance. Like an endless loop of fluid moving. His steps in a dance no one else knew.

It was driving Brad insane. THE Bradley Uppercrust III had fallen in love with such a low lifer.

How would his father react?

Brad didn't even have to ask. He knew his father would lose his shit. That's why he could never tell anyone. Ever.

He did have to tell at least one person, so it didn't make him lose his marbles more.

So he went to the only person who might actually listen. Tank.

(Guys, I have a few ocs for this, I'll make a chapter explaining them after this one)

_________Time skip_______________________

Brad sucked in a breath and knocked on the door. Him and tank weren't on bad terms, but it was still very tense after Brad almost killed Tank in the X-Games.

Brad waited until a tall girl opened the door.

"Tank! Someones here for you!" She called while looking behind her shoulder and opening the door for Brad.

He smiled at her and took a few steps inside. Tank had walked to him with a confused look.

"What are you doing here?" He asked, and although he wasn't being hostile, his words were still laced with venom.

"I need advice. Please." He was ready to start begging if he didn't help him.

"What'd you need?" He looked down to Brad.

"I think I'm gay."



Also I'm so sorry it's a short chapter. I just need to make a chapter explaining my ocs and I wanted as much time as I could take to make it. I'm currently at my grandparents house😭 so Im not aloud on my phone much.

Have a good night sweethearts💕💕(I'm eating mints rn and they feel like chalk🤗)

A Maxley fic (I can't title books)😭✊Where stories live. Discover now